Details of ``When ex-President Trump was permanently banned'' from Twitter's large-scale internal leak revealed

Journalist Matt Taibi and others have leaked Twitter's internal documents as `` Twitter files (THE TWITTER FILES) '', and former President Donald Trump has permanently frozen his Twitter account as the third and fourth bullets. What happened is clear.

Twitter Files Part 3 reveals what led to Trump's removal from social media platform | Fox News

The third Twitter file is about the riots at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 and the events when former President Trump's Twitter account was permanently frozen from Twitter on January 8. Documents documenting ongoing interactions between Twitter and federal agencies show that standards within Twitter had been declining months before the permanent freeze took place, and senior executives made decisions that violated internal policy. It seems that you know what you were doing.

Regardless of the decision to permanently suspend President Trump's account, 'the communication within Twitter between January 6th and 8th clearly has historical significance,' Taibi said. After permanently freezing former President Trump's account, Twitter immediately began processing new authorizations in preparation for freezing the Twitter account of Joe Biden, who was expected to be the next president. Mr. Taibi points out that there was. However, in an internal exchange at the same time, another executive said, ``The new administration will not permanently freeze Twitter unless it is absolutely necessary.'' It is suggested that it was

According to an internal Twitter document, Twitter permanently suspended former President Trump's account 'because of what one executive called 'surroundings.'' The surrounding situation is said to be ``an act that former President Trump and his supporters have been doing for more than four years before the election''. While most of the internal debate over whether or not to permanently freeze former President Trump's account took place over the three days of Jan. 6-8, the intellectual framework for the debate began months earlier. It is also clear that it was built little by little.

“Before January 6th, Twitter had a unique combination of automated rules-based enforcement and subjective moderation by senior management,” said Taiibi. Twitter also has a vast array of tools for manipulating visibility, most of which were directed at former President Trump before January 6.

However, since January 6th, Twitter's internal Slack has been left with exchanges that indicate that the company's executives are seeking to get out of the enhanced relationship with federal agencies.

In addition, some Slack channels used internally by Twitter have become a great source of information on how the thinking of top Twitter executives has changed in late 2020 and early 2021. Mr. Taibi said. A channel built after the former President Trump's account was permanently frozen seems to have been discussing the deletion of election-related content and the permanent freezing of high-profile Twitter accounts. Safety operations dealing with issues such as pornography, fraud and intimidation and senior policy officials are having a dialogue on the channel, and there was a certain amount of tension between the two, Taibi said.

However, senior policy executives who joined the channel and were involved in the process of permanently suspending accounts rely on guesswork, intuition, and Google searches to determine the success or failure of content, even in critical cases involving former President Trump. It is pointed out that

Meanwhile, it is also clear that Twitter executives were in clear communication with federal enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies regarding the moderation of election-related content. It has also been found that Twitter responded quickly to requests to delete tweets from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). However, it seems that moderation requests from the Trump camp, the White House, and the Republican Party are not on the agenda at all on Slack. It is hard to believe that there were no moderation requests from the Trump camp, so it is possible that they did not respond to any of these requests.

This bias in political thought by senior executives who oversee Twitter's moderation has been pointed out in other situations, and in fact, it has been pointed out that more than 90% of political donations by Twitter employees have been donated to the Democratic Party. I'm here.

Regarding the third Twitter file released by Mr. Taibi, Elon Mask, CEO of Twitter, tweeted, 'Twitter file 3rd. President's off-platform.'

In addition, he tweeted, ``President's departure from Twitter (continued),'' and quoted and retweeted the fourth Twitter file.

The fourth Twitter file was posted by another journalist, Michael Shellenberger. According to this, when it was decided to permanently freeze former President Trump's account, senior executives within Twitter ``create a legitimate reason to permanently freeze Mr. Trump's account'' and ``distinguish from other political leaders''. However, they asked for a policy change only for Mr. Trump, and ``take care not to affect freedom of speech or democracy by banning Mr. Trump from Twitter.'' understand.

For years, Twitter has resisted calls to 'get Trump out of Twitter,' according to the fourth Twitter file. And in 2018, politicians including former President Trump said, ``Blocking world leaders from Twitter will lead to hiding important information and hinder necessary discussion about their behavior.'' We are giving reasons to keep our Twitter account on the platform.

However, after the attack on the Capitol, the internal and external pressure on Twitter's CEO Jack Dorsey at that time increased at a stretch. One example of that pressure is a tweet calling for celebrities to 'ban Trump from Twitter forever,' led by former First Lady Michelle Obama.

However, from January 4 to 8, 2021, Mr. Dorsey was on vacation in French Polynesia, and it appears that he had delegated much of the handling of the situation to senior executives.

Also, when Twitter permanently suspended former President Trump's account on January 8, Twitter announced that it had taken action because of the 'risk of inciting further violence.' At the time, Twitter said it was ``based on how Trump's tweets are specifically received and interpreted. I didn't try to, 'Shellenberger points out that there is a clear behavioral contradiction before and after the permanent freeze of former President Trump's account.

in Web Service, Posted by logu_ii