Maruman's 'Sketch of Design' has become a desktop calendar with that design and paper Review of 'Sketch of Design Calendar'

The stationery maker 'Maruman Corporation', which celebrated its 100th anniversary in September 2020, has released a desktop calendar for 2021 ' Design Sketch Calendar ' for the 100th anniversary only. It has a familiar cover design, and the same drawing paper as the sketchbook is used for the paper, so it has a comfortable finish, so I actually touched it and checked it.

The 'design sketch calendar' looks like this. It has a shape close to a square.
Inside was a calendar body and a thin piece of paper with an overview of the calendar.

Maruman's '

The back cover has a notch for assembly. I will actually assemble it later.
I opened the calendar. The calendar contains illustrations by

The daily column is a square with a side of about 2.1 cm. There is no problem if you write a word.

Looking at the February page, next to the moon display is a picture of a baku with a sketchbook in his mouth. Colors and animals change from month to month.

The calendar starts on Sunday, there is no display on Rokuyo, and only holidays are listed.

The back of the calendar is plain and you can write freely on the entire surface.

Also, at the end of the year, eight sheets of plain drawing paper will appear on both the front and back.

I wrote various schedules. The paper quality is '

I wrote it using a 0.4 ballpoint pen. I was able to write well here, probably because of the moderate resistance.

I also compared the writing comfort using an ordinary sketchbook.

The right is this sketch calendar. The material should not change, but I felt that the sketch calendar was a little coarser because it was convenient to print the calendar.

If you look closely, you can see that the surface of the calendar paper is slightly uneven.

Since it is a desk calendar, we will assemble it by looking at the enclosed paper to actually stand it.

First, put up the paper on both sides ...

Stand up the 'mountain' -shaped paper of the kanji that remains in the center.

Fit it firmly in the recess and you're done.

When I stand it up, it looks like this. Even if a strong wind blows, it is unlikely to fall behind.

The depth when assembled is about 6.6 cm.

The angle is about 80 degrees. Looking down on the calendar makes it a little harder to see, but there's nothing wrong with looking down a little below your line of sight. Rather, it is almost vertical, and because it is made of drawing paper, it does not 'reflect the light of fluorescent lamps and make the characters dazzling and difficult to see.'

When I actually put it on the desk, it looks like this, it's compact so it doesn't get in the way. You can draw various illustrations using the material of drawing paper and make your own calendar.

In addition, the design sketch calendar can be purchased on Amazon for 1073 yen including tax.
Amazon | Maruman 100th Anniversary Limited 2021 Calendar Desktop Design Sketch 100SD1 | Calendar | Stationery / Office Supplies

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