Supports 'Pandoc' reviews, Markdown to LaTex, EPUB that can convert tremendous types of document files to other formats

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When you create a document file with Microsoft Word or

Markdown and want to convert it to an HTML file or PDF file, it is troublesome to prepare conversion software for each format. With the free open source software Pandoc, you can convert document files in any format to document files in other formats.

Pandoc --About pandoc

GitHub --jgm / pandoc: Universal markup converter

Pandoc is a document conversion tool with a very long history released in 2006 and is still under active development as of 2020. It is widely supported by researchers and engineers due to the variety of document file formats that can be converted, and the document file formats that Pandoc supports at the time of article creation are as follows.

◆ Supports both conversion destination and conversion source
・ Markdown
・ ReStructuredText
・ Emacs Org-Mode
・ Emacs Muse
・ Textile
・ HTML 4
・ EPUB version 2 or 3
・ FictionBook2
・ Haddock markup
・ Roff man
・ LaTeX
・ DocBook version 4 or 5
· Microsoft Word docx
・ OpenOffice / LibreOffice ODT
・ Jupyter notebook
・ MediaWiki markup
・ DokuWiki markup
・ Jira wiki markup

◆ Only conversion source is supported
・ Txt2tags
・ BibTeX
・ BibLaTeX
・ TikiWiki markup
・ TWiki markup
・ Vimwiki markup

◆ Only conversion destination is supported
・ AsciiDoc
-GNU TexInfo
・ Roff ms
・ ConTeXt
・ TEI Simple
· OpenDocument XML
・ Microsoft PowerPoint
・ InDesign ICML
・ XWiki markup
・ ZimWiki markup
・ LaTeX Beamer
・ Slidey
・ Slideous
・ S5
・ DZ Slides
・ Custom format conversion by Lua

If you show the relationship between convertible formats in a diagram, you can see that you can convert ridiculous types of formats like this.

Platforms that can use Pandoc include Windows and macOS, as well as

Linux , Docker , and GitHub Actions . Since it is open source, you can get the source code and build it yourself.

Pandoc is command-line software, and its basic usage is the same for all platforms. Specify the file before conversion and the file after conversion together with the format as shown below, and execute the command. The '-s' option is an option for outputting a single file, and should be specified when HTML is specified as the conversion destination.

[code] pandoc input file -f format input file -t format output file -s -o output file [/ code]

I actually converted the Markdown file to an HTML file using Pandoc and displayed it in a browser. You can see that the list, citation, and table are also converted properly.

To install Pandoc on Windows, go to the GitHub

release page and download the 'msi' installer.

If you are using Firefox, a confirmation pop-up will be displayed, so click 'Save File'.

Double-click the executable file to start the installer.

Check the terms of use and click 'Install'.

Installation is completed in a few seconds. Click Finish to close the installer.

After that, you can use the 'pandoc' command by opening Powershell or a command prompt.

The installer for macOS is also published on the release page, but for macOS it is easy to install with Homebrew . After installation, you can use the pandoc command from the terminal app in the same way as Windows.

[code] brew install pandoc [/ code]

For Debian- based Linux distributions, just install the publicly available deb file.

[code] wget
sudo dpkg -i pandoc- [/ code]

For non-Debian Linux distributions, get the tar.gz file and install the binary file.

[code] wget
sudo tar xvzf pandoc- --strip-components 1 -C / usr / local [/ code]

Pandoc can also be used on

Chrome OS . It can be easily installed from the package manager Chromebrew .

[code] crew install pandoc [/ code]

In an environment where Docker can be used, you can execute commands on the container without installing Pandoc in the actual environment. The following command mounts the host's current directory to the container's '/ data' directory with the '-v' `pwd`: / data' 'option.

[code] docker run --rm -v '` pwd`: / data 'pandoc / latex Pandoc command [/ code]

Pandoc can also be used with the workflow automation tool ' GitHub Actions ' released in 2019. In addition, Pandoc has published a Japanese version of the user guide by volunteers, and detailed command options can be confirmed from the user guide.

Pandoc User's Guide Japanese Version — Japan Pandoc User's Association Document

in Review,   Software, Posted by darkhorse_log