'Remdesivir, a new corona remedy, has little effect,' WHO announced

A research team from the World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that the antiviral drug remdesivir , which is expected to be a 'therapeutic drug for the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19),' has 'almost no effect as a result of clinical trials.' Or, no effect was seen at all. '
Repurposed antiviral drugs for COVID-19–interim WHO SOLIDARITY trial results --WHO Solidarity trial consortium
WHO: Remdesivir Has 'Little or No Effect' as Hospital COVID-19 Treatment
Huge COVID study finds remdesivir doesn't work—FDA grants approval anyway | Ars Technica
Remdesivir is a drug that prevents the growth of the virus by inhibiting RNA replication of the virus, and was originally developed as a treatment for infected Ebola hemorrhagic fever and Marburg fever .
To explain in an easy-to-understand manner how the new corona remedy 'Remdesivir' works, it looks like this --GIGAZINE

Remdesivir is also being tested in clinical trials as being effective against new coronavirus infections. In May 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan also approved it as a special case, and on October 22, the FDA officially approved remdesivir as a treatment for COVID-19.
'Remdesivir' officially approved by the United States for the new corona remedy | New coronavirus | NHK News
WHO research team is targeting 30 countries hospital 405 locations 11,266 people COVID-19 patients with non-blind, randomized trial carried out, Remudeshibiru, hydroxychloroquine , lopinavir , interferon therapy results was carried out by dividing the 10 days Was compared.
The results showed that the mortality rate of patients receiving remdesivir was 0.95 times that of the control group, 1.19 times that of hydroxychloroquine, 1.00 times that of robinavir, and 1.16 times that of interferon therapy. From this result, the research team reports that 'none of the study drugs had a clear effect on COVID-19 mortality.'
In response to this report, Gilead, a pharmaceutical company that sells remdesivir, said in a statement, 'Data from clinical trials by WHO's research team are inconsistent with strong evidence of the clinical utility of remdesivir, especially. Given the limitations of trial design, we are concerned that we have not received the rigorous reviews needed to enable constructive scientific discussions. '
(PDF file) https://www.gilead.com/-/media/gilead-corporate/files/pdfs/company-statements/gilead-statement-on-solidarity-trial-final-clean.pdf

In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial (ACTT-1) by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases , Gilliad recovered 521 patients in the control group in 15 days, compared with remdesivir. The 541 patients who received the drug recovered in 10 days, claiming that 'clinical improvement was observed with the administration of remdesivir.'
'The ACTT-1 report shows both good and bad results for remdesivir. Early administration of remdesivir is in fact,' said Geofree Poges , senior research analyst and director of therapeutic research at investment bank SVB Leerink . It shortens the recovery period and saves the patient's life, but has not been able to affect survival on the 29th day after onset, which is a nuisance for COVID-19-infected individuals. ' ..
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