'DNS Benchmark' review that allows you to benchmark 'which DNS server is the fastest' with one shot
The response speed of the DNS server that converts a domain name into an IP address is an important factor for comfortable website browsing.
GRC's | DNS Nameserver Performance Benchmark
First, access the top page and click 'Download now'.
If you are using Firefox, a popup will appear, so click 'Save File'.
Double-click the downloaded 'DNSBench.exe' to start the program.
When the program starts, move to the 'Name servers' tab.
This is the benchmark screen of the DNS server. Click 'Add/Remove' to add the DNS server of the provider you are using to the benchmark DNS server list.
Enter the IP address of the provider's DNS server, click Add, then click Close to close the settings.
Click 'Run Benchmark' to run the benchmark...
Measurement of DNS server response speed has started.
The benchmark is completed in about 3 minutes. DNS servers are arranged in order of response speed.
Right-clicking on the benchmark results allows you to perform various operations.
Exclude specific servers, non-responding servers, only redirect servers, slow servers from the benchmark...
Benchmark results can be saved in CSV or PNG.
On the 'Status' tab, you can check the status of the DNS server.
The servers with green marks are good DNS servers, the servers with orange marks are notable DNS servers, and the servers with red marks are bad DNS servers.
・DNS services are available and working (DNS services are available and working)
・DNS queries are not being consistently answered
・Bad domain names are intercepted by provider
・DNS queries are not being answered here
・DNS lookup is not offered by this server (DNS lookup service is not provided)
Also, if you right-click and click 'Test DNSSEC Authentication'...
After the scan is done again, you can see the status message, including
Click the 'Owner' tab to check the name of the owner of the DNS server. It is useful for searching by the owner's name and IP address and confirming that the DNS server allows general use.
You can check the domain name of the DNS server on the 'Name' tab.
When you click the 'Tabular Data' tab at the top, you can see the time taken for name resolution of each name server by 'Cached Name (response speed for cached domain name)' 'Uncached Name (response speed for uncached domain name)' 'DotCom You can check the minimum value, average value, maximum value, standard deviation, and reliability of response by Lookup (response speed for .com domain of TLD).
By right-clicking on the benchmark screen or window frame, you can set whether to arrange the benchmark results in Cached Name order or Uncached Name order.
In the 'Conclusion' tab, you can check the summary of benchmark results and the improvement points. For example, if the IP address of the router is specified as the primary DNS server and the secondary DNS server is not registered, it is pointed out that 'only the name server of the router is set in the system'. Since it is inefficient for the router to perform DNS name resolution, it is recommended to specify the name server provided by the provider.
'Which DNS server should be used' depends largely on the environment, but DNS Benchmark has a function that lists the top 50 servers in order of response speed from 4849 DNS servers. Right-click the window frame and click 'Build Custom Nameserver List'.
Click 'Build Custom List'...
The 4849 DNS server scan begins. It takes about 30 minutes to complete because it scans a large number of servers.
When completed, the top 50 servers will be listed, so click 'Run Benchmark'.
According to this benchmark result, the top DNS server is the most suitable DNS server for your environment.
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