Christopher Nolan's final trailer of time-reversing time suspense 'TENET Tenet' released by director

The final trailer of the latest film, ' TENET Tennet ', directed by
TENET-Final Trailer-YouTube
John David Washington plays the protagonist, 'A Nameless Man.'

The key to the story is 'reverse time'.

A bullet placed on a desk is sucked into a woman's hand as if to demonstrate 'reverse time'.

Time goes backwards everywhere, and bullets shot by members of the special forces are also sucked into the muzzle from the wall.

Robert Pattinson plays Neil, the partner of the nameless man.

At the heart of the story is a mission to prevent World War III. And the key to the mission is the mysterious keyword 'TENET'.

Men who jump up high in the sky like super people and enter the skyscrapers. This scene is also included in


The action scene where time goes backwards is a must-see.

Explosion after explosion

Cat on the verge of life

Screaming saiter

An unnamed man who masters the retrograde of time

Explosions on the battlefield contract one after another as time goes backwards...

A flashy building can be restored in an instant.


After the word 'shoot down the plane?'

The trailer ends with the scene of an airliner plunging into the airport.

In addition, Travis Scott's 'The Plan', which is the theme song of 'TENET Tennet' that is also used in the final trailer, has been released on the official YouTube channel, and has been played over 1.7 million times at the time of article creation. I will.
Travis Scott-The Plan (From the Motion Picture 'TENET'-Official Audio)-YouTube
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