``Vocodes'' review that allows celebrities such as Bill Gates and Arnold Schwarzenegger to speak freely for free

' Vocodes ' is a text-to-speech web application that allows you to read the text you input in a web browser using the voice of a famous person. The engineer

Brandon Thomas has released it for free, so I actually read it by various celebrities.

Vocodes. Vocal playground.

You can understand what it looks like if you actually read it with Mr. Bill Gates' voice with Vocoder by watching the following movie.

It looks like this when you read it with the voice of Bill Gates at Vocoder-YouTube

When you access Vocodes it looks like this. Shown is a photo of zoologist David Attenborough .

Enter the sentence you want to read aloud in the input field just below the face photo and click 'Speak'. I tried it several times, but sometimes I got an error if it was a long sentence, so this time I said 'You can not change the past. But however you can change future for the better.' However, we can prepare a relatively short sentence, 'You can change the future to a better one.' Only English is supported.

The following is what I actually read aloud by Mr. Attenborough.

It looks like this when you read it with the voice of Mr. David Attenborough at Vocoder-YouTube

When the voice was generated, the spectrogram of Mr. Attenborough's voice was displayed.

To change the person, click on the pull-down menu directly above the face photo to select it.

Next, I chose Alan Rickman, a famous actor who died in 2016 despite being regretted, who played the role of the terrorist leader in the movie “ Die Hard ” and the role of Snape in the “ Harry Potter ” series.

When you read aloud by Alan Rickman at Vocoder, it looks like this-YouTube

Another option was the voice of former President Bill Clinton.

It looks like this when you read it with the voice of former President Bill Clinton at Vocoder-YouTube

The quality of the generated voice seems to differ depending on the person, and Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg was 'Poor Quality Voices'.

It is like this when actually being read by CEO Zuckerberg.

This is what it looks like when you read it with the voice of Mr. Mark Zuckerberg on Vocoder-YouTube

'Awful Quality Voices (Needs Remake)' also had the name of the action actor and former Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger , in the films ' Terminator ' and ' Commando .'

Below is what I actually read. When I closed my eyes and listened, I realized that it was a voice I remembered many times in the subtitled movies.

When you read it with the voice of Arnold Schwarzenegger at Vocoder, it looks like this-YouTube

in Review,   Web Application,   Video, Posted by log1i_yk