I tried a summer limited menu such as Bamiyan ``Great prawn and summer vegetable lemon chilled Chinese'' that you can taste prippuri shrimp and summer vegetables

Since July 13, 2020 in Bamiyan, a limited summer menu featuring seafood such as shrimp, scallops, and crabs has been launched. Among them, we recommend ' large shrimp and zucchini,' which is the image of large red shrimp and summer, ' shrimp and summer vegetable lemon chilled Chinese ', and shrimp and scallop cooked with Bamiyan original chili sauce ' Hokkaido scallop and shrimp I actually tried three dishes, ' chili sauce ' and 'a lot of crab lettuce fried rice ' topped with 2 kinds of crabs.

[Summer limited menu one after another! Summer Chinese at Bamiyan] Fresh chilled Chinese shrimp and lemon
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Recommended [Seafood Summer Chinese]|Menu|Bamiyan|Skylark Group

Arrived at Bamiyan.

I bought the 3 items I wanted and brought them home.

This is 'Lemon-chilled Chinese Shrimp and Summer Vegetables' (799 yen excluding tax).

In addition to the prawns...

It is a menu that uses vegetables such as pickled okra and carrots and zucchini to create a summer image.

Pour the included soup...

Squeeze the lemon and eat.

The shrimp, which has a unique texture, squeezes its taste every time you bite it and hits the taste directly. Great compatibility with lemon.

The salty soup tastes like chicken and is fairly light. The menu was perfect for the summer, including fresh vegetables such as okra.

Two items are 'Hokkaido scallop and shrimp chili sauce' (tax not included 799 yen)

Shrimp and Bamiyan original chili sauce as the base...

It is a menu that simmered Hokkaido scallops.

The scallops from Hokkaido are quite large, and the thick sweet scallops have a chewy texture and a mild sweetness that spreads in your mouth. Chili sauce is sweet and spicy, leaving a slight aftertaste. Even people who say 'It's a bit too spicy' can be safely eaten.

The last is 'Plenty of crab lettuce fried rice' (tax not included 799 yen)

Peeled and loose crab meat is topped on fried rice.

When you eat the loose meat, the fibers are fine enough to melt in your mouth. The sweet taste of the crab spreads in the mouth as the fiber melts in the mouth.

On the other hand, peeled meat has a pre-textured texture. You can enjoy the taste of 'this is a crab' every time you chew. The fried rice has a rich Chinese-based flavor, and I enjoyed the crab with a strong sweetness and the contrasting taste.

'Lemon chilled Chinese shrimp and summer vegetables' 'Hokkaido scallop and shrimp chili sauce' 'Plenty of crab lettuce fried rice' can be eaten at Bamiyan nationwide from July 9, 2020 (Thursday).

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log