The popularity of TikTok among children is rising to the next level after YouTube

Due to the influence of the new coronavirus, children have been unable to go out for a long time, and the time spent on the internet is increasing. According to a survey by
Qustodio 2020 annual report on children's digital habits-Connected More than Ever
(PDF file)
Kids are connected more than ever before.Is this the new normal?-- Qustodio

The survey covered 60,000 households in the United States, United Kingdom and Spain with children aged 4 to 15 years.
'YouTube' was the 'most popular video app.' Although about 10% of the respondents said they were using 'YouTube Kids,' which was prepared for children, the overwhelming majority answered that they were using normal YouTube. Second place was Netflix in every country.

The average YouTube viewing time per day was 97 minutes in the United States, 83 minutes in the United Kingdom, 74 minutes in Spain in the survey of April 2020 where the influence of the new coronavirus is remarkable, the longest number in any country Has become.
TikTok is the best candidate to challenge YouTube's stronghold. The survey classifies it as a 'social media app' rather than a 'video app.' In the May 2019 survey, American children spent 38 minutes per day on TikTok, but in the February 2020 survey, it increased to 82 minutes. According to the April 2020 survey, it reached 95 minutes, which is almost on par with YouTube. This tendency was the same in England and Spain.

On the other hand, game apps such as '

Under these circumstances, advice is given to parents, 'Whenever possible, watch the video together or play the game together to remove the barrier between the child and the child.'
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