What is the reason for claiming that 'a perfect nap time is 36 minutes'?

It is

said that naps increase attention and productivity, but in reality there is still no scientific consensus as to how much nap is best. Meanwhile, the writer of the blog ' 48dots ' has proposed a nap time of '36 minutes', explaining why 36 minutes nap is the best, and the process that came to the conclusion of '36 minutes is only nap' No, it can be applied to life as well. ”

The perfect nap is 36 minutes long | 48dots

Nap not only increase the attention, reaction time and logical reasoning, memory skills, has been said to improve various performance such as emotional control, the opinion that 'people should take a nap,' also from the scientific community heard many It will be . Taking a nap basically consists of 'when' and 'how much' to do. If you make a mistake in the timing or the amount, you will not be able to sleep at night and the sleep cycle will be disturbed. Researchers agree on the amount of optimal nap is not taken, 'the best nap is 10 minutes' and intended to or, '35 minutes' but that theory and, 'nap of 20 minutes or more should quit.' views such as, opinion is divided.

Meanwhile, the 48dots writer puts out a number of '36 minutes' from an experiment that he conducted while preliminarily saying 'It is not based on science, research, brain scan, etc.'. The reason for this is that it is easy to secure a 36-minute 'neither too long nor too short' time, whether or not you have time to spare. Also, if you set it too short such as '10 minutes', you may feel urged to 'sleep early', and you may not be able to sleep on the contrary, but if it is 36 minutes, you need to fall asleep immediately. Since there isn't one, I can afford to relax while flipping through the pages of the book. Furthermore, because the timing of waking up comes before the consciousness completely disappears, the writer points out that it is necessary to wake up slowly with the chirping of birds and the buzz of the wind before being forced to wake up by the alarm. It seems that 36 minutes is also the basis for the time.

In this way, 'not only seeking the achievement of the purpose, but focusing on the process of reaching it and the process after achieving it' can be applied to things other than nap.

For example, many modern people live under the 'productivity faith,' waking up early in the morning, doing tasks one by one, waking up with energy drinks, and working late into the night ... This everyday life is believed to be the 'secret of success'. However, the days of doing what you need to do while being pressed for 1 minute 1 second easily deprives people of 'humanity.' When life becomes a 'huge task list', people tend to only pay attention to doing the list as fast as possible, but in such a life one becomes a slave to the task list and 'I It is easy to feel that 'you are not controlling'.

But no matter how quickly you work, your task list is never empty. Tasks are added as soon as they are completed, like

Sisyphus , who in Greek mythology was punished by the gods: 'When you carry a huge rock to the summit, the rock falls to the bottom with its weight.' When you finish a task, you can get a sense of accomplishment for a short time, but when you see a pile of tasks to do, that sense of accomplishment disappears immediately.

In order to solve this problem, it is important to focus on 'tasting the task' rather than 'cleaning up the task'. The 48dots writer said, 'When I was a kid, I didn't like practicing the piano' 30 minutes every day ', so the quality of my practice was poor and I couldn't get it. Now that I'm not obliged to play, I started playing the piano as 'play' and my skills improved. '

'By giving yourself time to enjoy what you're doing, enjoying yourself, and looking back at your achievements not only increase satisfaction, but also improve the quality of your work,' 36 minutes said. As with naps, I explained the importance of “tasting what you are doing” rather than “doing what you need to do”.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log