The number of searches for 'Final Fantasy' surged more than 70 times on the world's largest adult site Pornhub

With the release of '
Final Fantasy Insights – Pornhub Insights
The following is the transition of the number of searches for 'Final Fantasy' on its own service, which was published by Pornhub. The number “+ ○○%” represents the increase from the average value in March 2020. The number of searches increased to + 1811% on April 10, 2020, the release date of FF7 remake. The number of searches continued to increase steadily over the next few days, reaching the peak of '+ 7631%' on April 13. The total number of searches after April 10 will be over 1 million.

Of the Final Fantasy-related searches, the words that were searched the most were as follows. The number of searches for 'final fantasy 7' is overwhelming due to the phenomenon related to the release of FF7 remake. 2nd and later are `` final fantasy '', `` tifa final fantasy

In addition, we also surveyed the popularity of words other than 'Final Fantasy' among those who searched for 'Final Fantasy.' According to the results, those who search in 'Final Fantasy' will find that Blizzard's action shooting '

Below are the results of a survey on the gender ratio and age group of people searched for in 'Final Fantasy'. 58% more men than women and 189% more PlayStation users than Final Fantasy Xbox users search for Final Fantasy. Also, by age group, it was found that those who search for 'Final Fantasy' are biased toward the younger age group.

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in Web Service, Game, Posted by darkhorse_log