"Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G" is doing great, updating the record of Smavra X

As a game for Sony's PSP released from Capcom on March 27 "Monster Hunter Portable 2nd GHowever, software for Wii "Super Smash Bros. Smash Brothers X"It seems to be showing a strong sales performance updating sales record created by.

In addition, due to the strong sales, the number of PSPs sold was more than twice the previous week. Apparently the 'Monhan' effect is awful.

Details are as below.
This week's ranking | Media Creation

According to this page, it seems that PSP software "Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G" sold approximately 880,000 books on March 4th from the release date of March 27th to March 30th of the release date. This is from the release on January 31Popular sales title "Super Smash Bros. Smash Brothers X" which sold approximately 820,000 books in 4 days and updated the first week sales of Wii softwareThose that exceed.

This is ranking.

In addition, we have achieved record highs as the number of first week sales of PSP software,It reached 1 million books on April 1st 6 days after releaseCapcom announces what he did.

The sales volume of PSP has also increased as a result of the strong sales, and sales of 129,996 units, which is more than twice the previous week, are sold and the top of the hardware sales volume is displayed.

in Note,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log