Headline news on April 13, 2020

O Project , which produces video works of industrial ruins such as Gunkanjima, is delivering a full HD version of video works previously released on DVD on YouTube for a limited time as a measure to counter new coronavirus.
What is being delivered is Gunkanjima Odyssey-Walking the Future Century of the Future-'Gunkanjima Odyssey-Walking around the world heritage' Gunkanjima 'that nobody has ever seen' and three of the warship island ', the web site' in-of-loader (waste road enthusiasts) mountain of the line is negative of 'presided over Yoshiyuki Hiranuma over the waste road with his' high road Quest -Obroad Quest- '' Haido Beyond -Obroad Beyond- ',' Abandoned Legacy -Obroad Legacy- ', and' Special Video for Abandoned Road Event ', a collection of unreleased videos for the event.
Gunkanjima Odyssey-Walking the Future Island of the Hatsu Century-Limited Time Delivery-YouTube
A world heritage `` Gunkanjima '' that no one has seen around the seawall A limited time delivery-YouTube
Miracle marine city complete round Gunkanjima limited time delivery-YouTube
Obliterated Quest -Obroad Quest- Limited time delivery-YouTube
Abandoned Beyond -Obroad Beyond- Limited Time Delivery-YouTube
Abandoned road legacy -Obroad Legacy- Limited time delivery-YouTube
Special video for abandoned road event Limited time distribution-YouTube
By the way, this article was published on the same day in the past in the past.
Why shouldn't you use the '5 Whys' method to determine the source of a problem? -GIGAZINE
The last photo sent from the probe that crashed after unsuccessfully failing to `` first private landing on the moon ''-GIGAZINE
There is a reason for `` Do not bury the body of the pet in the backyard ''-gigazine
What is a training method for busy people? -GIGAZINE
Birds are more likely to judge the direction by looking at the magnetic field of the earth with `` eyes ''-gigazine
Sweden is developing `` electric roads '' that can supply power while driving on public roads, introduction costs for roads & existing cars are also low-gigazine
Visible information is controlled by emotion-gigazine
Exercise does not reduce weight because behavior other than exercise changes-gigazine
A noteworthy exception that you need to worry about with the kanji `` tome '' `` splash ''-gigazine
It is like this when assembling an iPhone from scratch using parts purchased in Shenzhen, China-GIGAZINE
What is the mechanism of China's anti-net new weapon / giant gun `` the Great Cannon ''-gigazine
What is the practice method of 'Socrates-type question-and-answer method' to acquire logical thinking by repeating a question? -GIGAZINE
`` GeekTyper '' that anyone can easily feel the feeling of a super hacker that passes through transcendence security-gigazine
◆ Materials (memos / others)
There is finally a feeling of abandoned city pic.twitter.com/2ThooEHjpG
— Minase tough people (@ 37s_039) April 11, 2020
A smartphone during business hours, I am under severe crackdown pic.twitter.com/wBv0RoK9kw
— Zawako (@zawakoz) April 13, 2020
There are people making permanent institutions ww pic.twitter.com/4rqbBSV0uX
— Knmnku @ Nightcore (@knmnku) April 12, 2020
This is a cookie that an elephant elephant who was sighed by a 3-year-old child was healed pic.twitter.com/KGZ8bv0aN4
— Shivering Tori (@torikaworks) April 13, 2020
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? pic.twitter.com/NIrrA9b6pc
— Jesse (2nd Anya Stamp) (@Jecy_Losika) April 13, 2020
Parakeets came to come here ... help ... pic.twitter.com/GhvRGrF2ks
— Chan Azu (@azucocco) April 13, 2020
I made a dog to take a walk with a drone.
— Messai (@meetissai) April 12, 2020
Ideal for paper weight because the dog is heavy to support the wire. (It's in the way) pic.twitter.com/09lldYst6O
zoom Friends who are tired of drinking parties 'I want to do something that the villains of the underworld, which are common in movies, conduct remote strategy meetings' pic.twitter.com/4bzd1HAR6M
— Today (@kyo_kurosawa) April 12, 2020
The big panda stuffed toy that my mother sent has a great presence in my house, but I feel soothed when I work from home for such a long time. pic.twitter.com/Uyw3juVfEs
— Yukari (@ rita_sia22) April 12, 2020
Sorry I made you wait.
— Nishiki (@ Nishii_dec9) April 12, 2020
You may have been waiting too long.
We have created a telework commercial that can reduce the risk of the new coronavirus and work safely at home. pic.twitter.com/HIxFsIj5UU
— Jiyun (new account) (@ juns_cafe0209) April 13, 2020
How to deliver a gun learned in kindergarten pic.twitter.com/TsKxDIz1KX
— The Sun (@DVtaiyou) April 12, 2020
? ? ? ? ? pic.twitter.com/H5bac45dpd
— Jesse (2nd Anya Stamp) (@Jecy_Losika) April 13, 2020
◆ Science (Science / Academic / Technology)
About the new coronavirus infection, I see a semi-log graph or draw my own, but I wanted to convey that 'what is a log graph?'
— Kazuki graph philosophy (@kazukigraph) April 10, 2020
'Seeing Infectious Diseases on a Log Graph' (1/3)
I uploaded it as a pdf file on the site, so if you want to read it in bulk, please click here https://t.co/mwrRCkZ6AD pic.twitter.com/0USW9Eil0a
New Corona Mortality Deteriorated by Air Pollution, Study | National Geographic Japan
This is no good because it becomes a hotbed of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which was concluded in the last century. https://t.co/AxxzTgPQpq
— Kotaro Sugimoto (@sugikota) April 10, 2020
Things that seem to be fraudulent products of alcohol disinfecting gels.
— Scomb (@Scomb) April 12, 2020
It claims to be 71% alcohol but does not catch fire and is suspected to be ineffective as a disinfectant. A friend of the doctor said that the use was clearly strange and verified. https://t.co/DsA9zW9E4b pic.twitter.com/VA20mKrA1h
Toyobo launches coronavirus detection within 1 hour | Kyodo News
High-concentration sake can be used instead of disinfectant | NHK Metropolitan Area News
I could catch an octopus in a shell I have never seenpic.twitter.com/CW0o145Fbt
— Ken (@astroken) April 11, 2020
That's right at all. Data on the new corona is not yet available, but neutralizing antibodies for SARS and cold coronavirus (229E, OC43) fall within a few months to a year, and long-term immunity does not seem to be established. I don't know why.
— Masahiro Ono Masahiro Ono (@masahirono) April 12, 2020
Coronavirus is often unclear, and immediate and careless use is prohibited. The need for basic research is high https://t.co/YDytXu0Jmg
'Collective immunity' measures against infectious diseases Why the UK withdrew? | Nashoggio | NIKKEI STYLE
Heibonsha Toyo Bunko 'Fashion Senko' free edition to reprint-Bunka Tsushin Digital
◆ Society, politics, economy (incidents, world news, business)
JPY 50 billion to promote sales of Wagyu beef with reduced demand due to increased infection Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries | NHK News
I can't meet friends. No drinking party.
— Shinzo Abe (@AbeShinzo) April 12, 2020
However, these actions have surely saved many lives. And, at this very moment, it will also reduce the burden on healthcare professionals who are struggling in the toughest settings. Thank you for your cooperation. pic.twitter.com/VEq1P7EvnL
Criticized reply rushes to Prime Minister Abe's video 'Collaboration' post with Gen Hoshino 'What are you going to do?' / Entertainment / Daily Sports online
'Abeno collaboration' blunder ... Geno Hoshino and 'co-starring' Twitter video criticized and questioned from inside the party-Sponichi Annex Society
Prime Minister Abe's 'Collaboration' Hoshino Gen Reaction 'No Contact Confirmation'-Entertainment: Daily Sports
Abe says, 'How many times do you know that it is impossible with poor leave compensation to reduce attendance by at least 70%?' [Additional notes] (Takanori Fujita)-Individual-Yahoo! News
Prime Minister's tweet is 'more than 350,000 'likes'. Dissemination is effective', detailed report of Chief Cabinet Secretary-General's meeting-Mainichi Shimbun
[Sankei / FNN joint opinion poll] Emergency declaration 'too late' exceeds 80%, Cabinet support rate 39%, non-support is higher than support-Sankei News
Abe Cabinet approval rate 40%, disapproval 43% | Kyodo News
70% decrease in attendance Big data analysis did not reach 50% reduction | NHK News
Shimizu Construction Stops Construction in Seven Prefectures Employee Killed in Corona: Current affairs dot com
'The state compensates for lost time' 82% Cabinet support declined 40%, Kyodo News | Kyodo News
ID of school education app leaked for 1.22 million | Kyodo News
Town factory in Higashiosaka city is puzzled to reduce attendance New corona blows Government support measures are strict (1/3 page)-Sankei News
U.S. senior official admits delay in corona measures, encounters 'many resistances' | Kyodo News
Decided to request a leave for entertainment facilities in Osaka from tomorrow until next month | NHK News
Kobe West police station chief and deputy chief also confirmed infection | NHK News
Aso Finance Minister 'I do not think about reducing the consumption tax' | NHK News
Bank transfer fee to de facto reduction request Fair Trade Commission | NHK News
Government strives to reduce contact opportunities by 80%, including thorough work at home | NHK News
Government considers introduction of “appreciate contacts” app near practical experiment | NHK News
Johnson praises healthcare team 'Thanks for being alive' 3 photos International News: AFPBB News
111 people are positive again in South Korea history investigation-Sankei News
What if 'evacuate to a shelter' ...? Disaster and New Corona | NHK News
New virus in the air 4 meters away from the patient, twice the recommended interpersonal distance 4 photos International News: AFPBB News
Johnson leaves hospital, kills over 10,000 people |
1 trillion yen 'In the form of corporate support, not compensation for lost time' Minister Nishimura [New Coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
The father of the corona sacrifice, the bereaved family in Hokkaido, embracing over Higashi 'Don't think like a person': Hokkaido Shimbun Doshin Electronic Edition
'Three people living together have pneumonia ... it's weird.' A cluster detected by a hospital witness [new coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
BBC caster says new virus damage is not equal, lower-income people are more infected-BBC News
24 people confirmed and announced infection on 11th in Aichi, Japan No infection actually | NHK News
Coronahite intensified to French people near German border Eggs are thrown at one example International Photo: AFPBB News
[Yodobashi 'super 3 dense' in the state of panic, police police] The purpose of the resale is not a mask ... | | Bunshun Online
Swedish government starts studying lockdown, with sudden increase in deaths | Forbes Japan
Tokyo Detention Center Confirmed infection of defendants First in nation for defendants and inmates | NHK News
Coffins being transported to mass burial sites one after another on remote islands in New York-BBC News
China's `` Corona Victory Stamp '' postponed as a design problem-Sankei News
The actual number of infected people is estimated to be more than twice the public figure. Austrian Government | NHK News
Corona threat, failed to contain even the US intelligence network that was aware [new coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
'I don't have enough beds anymore' 'I can't accept emergency transport' ... The epic site of the 'medical collapse' that is currently taking place in Suginami Ward | Bunshun Online
Telework only 26% of small and medium-sized enterprises in Tokyo | NHK News
New Corona The World's Most Infected 1.77 Million Americans with More than 20,000 Dead | NHK News
The article was overwritten as it was in the URL, and the statement by the Minister for Economic Revitalization Nishimura, 'No country in the world has compensated for lost time,' has been erased.
— Lethargy (@ W7wBC8) April 11, 2020
Before modification (first image) https://t.co/dUqrjrLRyg
After modification (second image) https://t.co/7IKUOpgzfU pic.twitter.com/d1XXXnIOLs
Official residence (Yoichiro Tateiwa) trying to reduce information disclosure during an emergency with the new corona-Individual-Yahoo! News
'No' at Corona, worried blood donation bus Concern about impact on medical care [New Coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
China spy on CIA, erased cooperator changed to US intelligence network: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Government to distribute masks and gowns Coronal infection protection for healthcare professionals | Kyodo News
N-spec. In fact, I didn't take it seriously, but I looked at the TL that was flowing and reviewed it. This is certainly a series of 'great' remarks.
— Akabishi2 (@ akabishi2) April 11, 2020
Please read if you are worried about the transcript of the PCR test without any cut. It should have been faithfully awakened
First, Anna ’s question
McDonald's Response to Emergency Declaration Announcement | McDonald's Japan
Emergency medical care screams one after another, suspected of corona 'I can not save the life of an emergency' [New coronavirus] [Declaration of emergency]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Angle: German Corona Strategy Followed by Zero Infections-Reuters
TBS and TV TOKYO, 'all recording discontinued' due to new coronavirus countermeasures The entertainment industry is also infected by the British | World | Latest Articles | Newsweek Japan Official Site
'Coexisting with Corona' Economic Resumption Pressured by Italian Government [New Coronavirus] [Emergency Declaration]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
'Night town' investigation difficulties Feature is exposed ... inspection refusal also | Gifu Shimbun Web
Nishimura Economic Revival Minister intends to proceed with adjustments to 'minimize leave requests' | NHK News
Let's stop intervention in prosecution personnel who do not allow fire thieves: Tokyo Law Office blog
A 15-year-old boy from the Amazon indigenous Yanomami died of new corona infection 2 photos International News: AFPBB News
Providing food too ... Mafia creeping on the poor, Italy under new virus crisis 2 photos International News: AFPBB News
MEXT asks university hospital for patient acceptance 'to the maximum'-Sankei News
Driver requests withdrawal of 'dismiss all' Taxi company in Tokyo [New Coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Shadow of death over northern Italy
'More actual deaths' Italian reporter, focus on condolence column [New coronavirus] [Emergency declaration]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Government Liberal Democrat Exports Debate on Next Fighter Jets May Contradict Constitution or Restrictions on Arms Exports | Kyodo News
There is no worry about seismic intensity 4 tsunami in Kanto region | NHK News
Saitama Public Health Center misleading statement expands inspection system | NHK News
Supermarkets help families and many other customers avoid “three” | NHK News
On the weekend of `` emergency '', there are also unexpected anxiety in the shopping street: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
JFA Chairman Tajima's wife, Dr. Michiko Doi, talks about a new corona infected person, a rich contact real-Sports Navi
Prime Minister Abe targets 'nationwide entertainment at night, with refraining from eating and drinking' from customers | NHK News
Do you go to a shelter now if an earthquake occurs? Four years after the Kumamoto earthquake, consider a crisis of compound disaster (Kousuke Nakazawa)-individual-Yahoo! News
U.S. experts point out that cloth masks have low defense 'understand and use' |
President Duterte and 200 members of the Diet salary one month full donation, corona measures to 100 million yen Japanese parliamentary member annual income 21.83 million yen (Rumi Ide)-Individual-Yahoo! News
CNN.co.jp: Instruct nudist to wear mask, naked Czech police OK
Yamagata's own measure to measure temperature at prefectural borders Assuming railway stations, national roads, and airports | Kyodo News
Confirmed infection of 197 people in Tokyo Metropolitan area 77% of infection was unknown for 4 consecutive days | NHK News
Infected corpses, difficult handling 'funeral system collapsed' ... worried supplier, self-defense independently-Mainichi Newspaper
Announcement of the results of the first 'National Survey for New Corona Measures' and the implementation of the third 'National Survey for New Corona Measures'
'108 and 105' alarm bell survived 1918 pandemic | 'I don't want to see the same thing repeated in the new Corona' | Courier Japon
UberEats still distributes masks to delivery staff ... Union 'Funny' company 'Adjustment recommendation'-Lawyer dot com
What is the number of beds in Tokyo? The Crisis of 'Medical Collapse' Approaches | Special Site New Coronavirus | NHK NEWS WEB
Osaka Prefecture, request for a country with zero inventory of medical masks and protective clothing-Sankei News
How did the US “Super Spreader” infect 15 people and kill 3 people? 4 photos International News: AFPBB News
Column: Mr. Saunders's dream of “universal insurance” boosts new Corona-Reuters
Large-scale antibody testing of new corona in US estimates population ratio of infected people | NHK News
More than 100,000 dead in the world '10 times the mortality rate of flu' [New Coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Respirators, regulatory barriers to entry Overseas disparities in emergency response: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Kobe Shimbun NEXT | General | Kobe and Sannomiya's crowd is reduced by 20% Minister Nishimura 'This can not be ended'
Only 20% of patients transmitted to other people. Japan survey found that WHO | Kyodo News
NY, group burial of dead bodies Corona died ever increasing 6 photos International News: AFPBB News
Taiwan counters WHO Secretary-General 'Racial slurs from Taiwan' | NHK News
'WHO puts politics ahead of public health', US Department of State considers verification | NHK News
Target for leave, Prime Minister 'No need to fight anymore' Background of confirming the capital: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Italian Prime Minister announces 'going out restriction further extended for 3 weeks' | NHK News
Trying to prevent new corona ... BCG vaccination mistake Adult subcutaneous injection 'absolutely prohibited'-Mainichi Newspaper
Work from home, but come to work to push stamp ... | NHK News
Governor Koike dissatisfied with the country (1/2 page)-Sankei News
Son Softbank G president criticizes government, 'Cannot reduce contact by 80%'-Bloomberg
Fujiyoshida City to provide 10,000 yen to all citizens | Kyodo News
“Mid-range missile deployment in Japan in Russia's Far East” Defense Research Institute | NHK News
Foreign Minister's Press Canceled Due to Family Infection of Foreign Ministry Executives New Corona | NHK News
Futenma Air Base Mass Extinguishing Agent Leaks Outside Base | NHK News
Apology apology apologizes for group nosocomial infection: 163 infected, 20 dead Eiju General-Sankei News
Closed gym in lower house of parliament 30 people a day after emergency declaration | Kyodo News
“Go straight home” Tokyo officials appeal in Kabukicho-New Corona: current affairs dot com
Emergency medical care 'disruption already felt', unacceptable 2 conference statement [new coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Kanagawa prefecture requesting a leave of absence from a net cafe sleeper to Budokan [New coronavirus] [Declaration of emergency]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
First infection confirmed in Tottori Prefecture 60-year-old male in Tottori City New corona | NHK News
All juren, more than 60% of staff have fever, etc. Corona infection continues | Kyodo News
'Aichi Kyoto Gifu'Judgment that is not in a stage of rapid increase '' Economic Recovery Phase | NHK News
'I don't want to overflow the hospital,' says health director | Kyodo News
Approximately 27,000 people nationwide 'Fever continues' MHLW and LINE survey | NHK News
'How selfish' country accused department store of depa underground closure [new coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
About 120 people wait at home at the welcome party of the police chief, Kobe | NHK News
In Kabukicho, police officers paraded around the city and began to put pressure on 'passing out self-restraint' against passers-by! pic.twitter.com/J65aJi5G42
— Masanori Sento (@ sento1025) April 10, 2020
Mr. Nishimura should quit Minister Corona. I usually don't say 'Who should quit?', But it's too bad. '
— Kentaro Iwata (@ georgebest1969) April 12, 2020
A press conference held by the Prime Minister, which is also ridiculed as a “daily announcement” and “theatrical company reporter club” What was the strangeness that a reporter who participated for the first time saw? (1/5) 〈dot.〉 | AERA dot.
◆ Lifestyle (Life / Life / Health)
A sudden increase in messages from children who have a hard time at home due to school closure NPO `` Little situation '' of consultation destination (Reiko Otsuka)-Individual-Yahoo! News
'Guidelines for Living in a Pandemic' Boiling on the Internet Up-and-coming Researchers Tatsufumi Fujiwara, Associate Professor of Kyoto University 'Negative Voice' and Hatred | Culture and Life | Regional News | Kyoto Shimbun
That confectionery that is often talked about in Japan in Japan, it seems that it has also become a source of conflict in Taiwan where it was transmitted, `` Japanese sweets that scatter and dispute the conflict over humanity ''-Togetter
What to Consider Now under Emergency Declaration | Hiroaki Miyata | note
Since my sister went to the vaccination of cats, when I heard 'Is it going to be rampage when I carry it?', I said something like a Zen monk 'I am training'-Togetter
Alcohol disinfectant, isn't there too much one push?
— Miho Toke @ Graduate of Nursing Faculty (@mihotoke_chan) April 11, 2020
To those who think.
This is to make a 'small alcohol pond' with one hand, soak the fingertips and disinfect it firmly between the nails.
Please try it.
It was an announcement from a graduate of the Faculty of Nursing. pic.twitter.com/igg4v3gXX3
SmartHR in response to the Telework Promotion due to corona effects are put out good taste that has fueled the Dekadeka such has issued a large amount of advertising on the train pic.twitter.com/cBqI7NAUo7
— Sessi (@ hoduki10) April 12, 2020
Wearing this equipment, but still corona infected 85% of our ward, I guess everyone can not move with just a cloth mask or disposable mask ... pic.twitter.com/BZepWt0fcT
— Lota @ (@rororon_coscos) April 11, 2020
You can see why Cinderella's only magical glass remained at 12 o'clock, but only the glass shoes remained after reading the original by Charles Perrault.
— Latin (@latina_sama) April 12, 2020
When the fairy casts a magic, the other things are written as 'changed' or 'fut chang', but only the glass shoes are said to have given 'donna' It is written. pic.twitter.com/evybL6mj2o
In Versailles, Louis XV was affected in 1774 by a violent smallpox at the time. The queen was vaccinated with Louis XVI and was not infected, Louis XV died and his nemesis, Mrs. Duvalley, was exiled. Since it is a portrait of `` Inu and I '' of the year # Abeno video is sinful pic.twitter.com/AYsq0Egk3h
— Atsuko TAMADA (@atsukotamada) April 12, 2020
This BBC caster's `` well-known '' feeling, like a country where the purse string is still tight, a person who puts excessive complaints on open shops and clerks, a truck driver and a medical professional like a virus There are too many people who are unaware that they are blessed when they can work from home pic.twitter.com/iAJ3bjgArK
— Makoto (@makotopic) April 12, 2020
I've been watching the topic “Dystopian scene”. pic.twitter.com/zZa9WHPq6w
— Japonistan (@japonistan) April 12, 2020
Let's play happily at home # Hamster pic.twitter.com/QIS2OTWa2K
— Ma 86² (@ mayu680310) April 12, 2020
Story of a cat and a great writer (1/2) pic.twitter.com/SfWaJmGok3
— Shinmaru Shinmaru (@shinjisumaru) April 13, 2020
An advertisement of a stray cat issued by Hyakutake.
— Shinmaru Shinmaru (@shinjisumaru) April 13, 2020
After Nora's disappearance, Hyakuya Uchida cries every day, hurts every day, not to eat or to bathe, rather than at work. The more I went to check, the more I thought about Nora. pic.twitter.com/SfnLzRjXm2
It goes without saying that the resale shop can't save anymore, but at this time Yodobashi, who sells this way, was at the worst and really couldn't see it.
— He (@ muchamucha7) April 12, 2020
Resellers gathered in Yodobashi for the 'Nintendo Switch', and they were in a super-dense state, on the verge of panic, and the police were out! https://t.co/99eHb2Jwsf pic.twitter.com/Boz5K9cWlN
Corona shock We are 'pieces', temporary employees lament: Asahi Shimbun Digital
A mysterious object at a certain shrine pic.twitter.com/lm8CTwMuuj
— Tsurugikoji (@ turuga7000) April 11, 2020
The mysterious object found at the shrine is too mysterious and the delusion fluctuates → Its identity is found, it seems to be quite nationwide 'absolutely sealed ...'-Togetter
# I would like to see the new programs and commercials that would have been doing if the new Corona were popular in the Showa era, because the reproduction of the 'Showa 50s feeling' is too high-Togetter
The sashimi of skipjack purchased at a supermarket is too delicious due to the influence of corona. | Suzukomakoto | note
Look at the story of the family who came with children saying 'I can not go out and shopping at least ...' to the supermarket and think about the importance of communicating information so that 'everyone can understand'-Togetter
Vietnam's successful low budget COVID-19 measures-himaginary's diary
Big issue mail-order sales Self-restraint and sales suddenly decline [New Coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
While 46.6 billion yen is used for distributing two cloth masks, a medical nonwoven fabric manufacturer goes bankrupt with a debt of 1 billion yen-Hokoku wolf's diary
This is the real state of Dubai with 24 hour lockdown.
— Dubai (@dubai_jin) April 9, 2020
You will never see such a Dubai again.
Despite the usual traffic congestion despite this number of lanes, it is now empty.
Invisible, tells the threat of coronavirus with no predictable end ... pic.twitter.com/4v0AFkZZcH
Make a simple mask using 100-piece name tag clip. https://t.co/ciXaaL6vB2
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) April 12, 2020
The horror that the government regards the infection of the new coronavirus as politics rather than science https://t.co/MEiMon67Tv
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) April 11, 2020
Why is ITO EN 'healthy tapioca konjac' cheap? https://t.co/2Gqbu9NVbn
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) April 10, 2020
◆ IT Gadget (Net / Software / Hard / Mobile)
it is complete.
— Masayoshi Son (@masason) April 11, 2020
Established a production line for SB in cooperation with BYD, the world's largest mask manufacturer.
Delivered from May, 300 million monthly production (100 million high-performance medical N95, 200 million general-purpose surgical).
In cooperation with the government mask team, SB will supply masks to as many people as possible, including medical sites, without benefit. https://t.co/0anaFcD7If
BLE-Proximity for COVID-19 contact tracing-maaash.jp
Since the Coronavirus began to spread, I was thinking about what I could do with my expertise.
Distribute a smartphone application using Bluetooth Low Energy, keep a history of who and who were nearby, and if an infection was later confirmed by the user of the application, warn other users who were nearby Do
Did you know that there was such an idea?
This is a specialty area,
I had some time thanks to Corona (!?)
From there, we researched and implemented an application Projects using personal data to combat SARS-CoV-2, which was studied / implemented in Singapore / TraceTogether and Europe / Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing, while protecting privacy and how to use BLE. I was thinking of a mechanism where communication between apps that would only be used in the Background is possible, Android can coexist, can be released immediately for the first time in a small size, and the server load seems to be light even if the number of application users increases.
And just a week before discovering Privacy-Preserving Contact Tracing yesterday.
I guess Apple and Google will wait for it in May, so I'd like to release the code I wrote all week and memorialize it.
The question of Masayoshi Son's questionnaire on whether to take leave and compensation immediately should be shocking.
— Horse eye (@ishtarist) April 11, 2020
When I saw it last night, it was certainly 150,000 with 94%. It turned over overnight.
The image is a pick-up, but something terrible is happening. pic.twitter.com/tfqLdwRUNG
If you give the approximate number of 'yes / no' votes from the number of votes and the percentage, you can see that from a certain point in time 'no' has not become dominant, but it is strange for only about 5 hours of ① and ③ Right.
— Akira BEL (@StarlightKing) April 12, 2020
(The time interval is 4 to 5 hours although the end is a little short, so there should be no significant difference.) Pic.twitter.com/DClA5khW99
I checked the transition of the retweet with the data from the session. In just over five hours, over 280,000 votes, but the RT has increased by only 187. I want to know this Karakuri. https://t.co/7zBOL0GYGw
— Morrath (@ 74OcqLzRJCP96R1) April 11, 2020
Conclusion that it was a food sending online drinking party pic.twitter.com/3mT8nuPRR4
— Nameko (@matsumurako) April 12, 2020
When I made a video like Nico Nico about 2008, my birthday was over pic.twitter.com/sLkE4hZ9yE
— Kou Akayama (@red_kou_drum) April 12, 2020
A fake thermometer that a Chinese sold in Thailand.In addition to this, it seems that a test kit that is absolutely negative was also sold pic.twitter.com/BptOw7tjef
— Crisis (@_vxzk) April 12, 2020
2015 TED Bill Gates. The world you see is different pic.twitter.com/ma3N0zztm8
— Takahiro Shimizu | AGE MEDIA inc.CEO (@takavich__) April 12, 2020
Whereby team cooperates with development! Behind-the-scenes of online drinking service “Takunomu” | Whereby | note
Medium – Get smarter about what matters to you.
Tried iPad as a sub monitor of Windows PC with free software | & GP
I cut the LAN cable with a nipper and tried to infiltrate and eavesdrop on the network in 5 seconds-DARK MATTER
[Mac] 30 minutes log to Miraikari to beautify and video conference-Qiita
A story of passing a 1 billion yen Maezawa fund in Africa after quitting the company | Natsumegu | note
The story of just getting used to remote work |
Social anxiety factor called Pak Tsui cluster-Urara Mirai
Mr. Machiyama, who believes that 'Emperor Loriki Mesek' is a government information agent, sends a lip to Prime Minister Abe with that content-Togetter
Mr. Masayoshi Son's Twitter questionnaire was created | ishtarist | note
◆ Anime / Game / Manga (Subculture)
Theatrical Version 'Devil Blade' Endless Train Edition Trailer 1st Release on Friday, October 16, 2020
With that blade, cut off nightmares
— Ufotable (@ufotable) April 10, 2020
<New information ①>
Theatrical version ' # Devil's Blade ' Endless Train Edition will be released on Friday, October 16th.
Poster visual and lifting of the ban-. pic.twitter.com/Xnz9Y4Uw2n
$ B! X $, $ s $ P $ m $ & F1? M! Y% W% m% 8% '% /% H; OF0! * (B
Family pic.twitter.com/sUoWvLGRQW
— Ha (@neulbaram) April 12, 2020
* Personification (humanization) *
— Looking for a job after April Kisaragi (@kisaragiyuu_) April 12, 2020
Forest summary pic.twitter.com/4RDO9iRAk8
I think that there were many people shopping on the first Sunday after the declaration of emergency, but basically shopping should be done by only one representative. I saw it on Twitter as a family member and went to a supermarket. And depending on your home, you may have to take it or you may buy a lot, so also considerately pic.twitter.com/Z9xbtO8yvy
— Fukayaka Yoko @ Comic Essay Kampo bride diary on sale (@meiju_yome) April 12, 2020
Golgo's latest publication here,
— Manga dioxide (stand name 'Story Writer') (@manga_dioxide) April 12, 2020
'Eh, do you like Bach too? Me too! Bach is good! Oh, have you ever visited the Bach Museum?'
It was like a nerd who grew tension after finding a friend who had a good taste. pic.twitter.com/fskAC38Edo
Heroine × villain daughter pic.twitter.com/zyJdFWbCQJ
— Shakezawa is dead (@shakerizero) April 12, 2020
I have forgotten that I was lucky dreaming pic.twitter.com/bFhM6RU8zo
— Yukki (Mr. Kusaka) (@yukkieeeeeen) April 12, 2020
Because there are young people who got sick by working at home,
— Yoshizaki Seime (@yseimu) April 12, 2020
A manga artist who has been at home for 30 years has drawn a feeling of being at home.
[Beginner] pic.twitter.com/zJ2bLX18D1
It drew a pallas cat-chan SaiYo # beast Friends pic.twitter.com/jNilExWoL3
— Nanachi (@nanatiiiiiiiiii) April 12, 2020
Although it is an emergency declaration target area, it is completely evacuation advisory due to heavy rain ... pic.twitter.com/ktn1asfYYW
— Reings (@laynts) April 13, 2020
The recent games are lonely without instructions.
— Saho Yamamoto, merciless 8bit, released on March 14 (@sahoobb) April 13, 2020
Note ・ Please read from upper left to lower right pic.twitter.com/KzHXgAYorF
I want all Japanese to reach this pic.twitter.com/jwRYXAAP5Z
— Kami Nero (@arqui_dere) April 12, 2020
What should I do at home ~ I'm free ~~ It's a line drawing of the past, but if you want to distribute 5 of them, if you'd like, please paint and paint freely to kill time①Miyoshi ②Yukata Haruki ③Natsuki And light
— Yamako (HoneyWorks) (@ yamako2626) April 12, 2020
・ It is OK to use icons etc. for those painted by yourself.
・ Please refrain from making your own lines.
>> Follow pic.twitter.com/EIFqVtphU9
# Dot picture # pixelart pic.twitter.com/1MviZXAGkA
— Setamo / UPC (@setamo_map) April 12, 2020
I drew a story about autonomic imbalance due to self-restraint by Corona. A personal solution is provided for those who experience similar problems. It's a tight day, but let's get over it! pic.twitter.com/2F24Vi8BOZ
— Junta Kobayashi (@setta_kobayasi) April 11, 2020
Lupine III (2015) OP original picture pic.twitter.com/xg2c1gxcp6
— 飞鸿 FEI HUNG (@ herny99999) April 12, 2020
# Horo Zammai Coronate and was able to #
— Mask the Sunohara (@ dolce1211) April 12, 2020
Congratulations to Koro-san for the first anniversary!
That's my metasla distribution name scene collection.
It would be very helpful if you could make a hashtag for MMD if you were interested
* Please raise it because credit is not stated pic.twitter.com/r7yDQ9eEkb
A man with only one weapon pic.twitter.com/0UlqqsTPRQ
— Kotaro Koyama | Gag Manga (@MG_kotaro) April 12, 2020
I'm playing a game called `` The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa '' that was made by a big fan of the `` Kuniokun '' series on Russian on Switch, but there is no bad weather unique to bad things, everyone is somewhat philosophical and strangely cold There is a conversation with tingling thorns and the feeling of obstruction going to the end of boyhood is amazing pic.twitter.com/aMqGLgruJj
— Ara father (@ unfmnsm2019) April 12, 2020
A list of too many sunfish that can be kicked in if you look at a person who is drawn in vain. Don't rely on it, of course. pic.twitter.com/Ii53RLf0LU
— Ura no U (@nopopopopopon) April 12, 2020
I want to play a game like this #madewithunity pic.twitter.com/jMMjGojsBu
— Mokutsuno (@Mokutsuno) April 12, 2020
[Rabbit] Some people say, 'I can't get angry because I can't get angry,' but why don't you have to get angry unreasonably? If you get angry for good reason, I apologize. pic.twitter.com/NAKprTw2WD
— Rabbit Mimi-chan “Watashi-chan with low self-affirmation” on sale on April 11 (@usagitoseino) April 12, 2020
I knew that I didn't want to work, so I didn't mean that I wasn't drawing this silly thing.pic.twitter.com/z3N3Y7UOYl
— Shin Moriyama (@sin_moriyama) April 12, 2020
'I'm afraid,' Cinderella said. (Re) pic.twitter.com/Q0lceaUnRe
— Kakomisul (@ p8HMIUHYW1KUF6c) April 12, 2020
Sephiroth # FF7R # Sephiroth who will take measures against super ultimate Shinto god during the self-restraint now pic.twitter.com/rDUQ4x9NkJ
— Michael @ Paijun (@ bertolt1121) April 12, 2020
Let's dance in Kiminpic.twitter.com/NOFLCpPqZH
— Aku Kurang Anjing (@OkmtEli) April 12, 2020
Congratulations on the rebroadcast of the anime 'Touken Ranbu -Hanamaru-'!
— Monkey Hashino @ Volume 1 4/3 Release Psychopath 3 Comicalize (@saruink) April 12, 2020
A ver graffiti that seriously plays a game of overlapping hands. A happy and healing anime Hanamaru Honmaru rebroadcast is nice! ! I hope you enjoy the new information pic.twitter.com/NyWtteV8l0
The game over of MGSPW almost shouts 'Snake!' Like the previous series, but there is a special version where the voice actor of each character sings with a cappella with extremely low probability. The sound was in the internal data. If you can listen to all of this version, you probably haven't. pic.twitter.com/Wf7HDoAr6c
— Soldiers (@HEITAIs) April 12, 2020
Yukko who has succeeded in spoon bending pic.twitter.com/Dyhg05YWBT
— Yukki (Mr. Kusaka) (@yukkieeeeeen) April 12, 2020
Although it was canceled, I was in charge of the official paper bag (large) for the preparatory meeting of Comic Market 98. The back is a boy. It will be distributed to GW as Air Comiket at each doujin shop. Please see the latest information of the preparatory meeting as it is changing every day. Thank you very much. pic.twitter.com/XpCdYWqZEh
— Night train (@YOGISYA) April 13, 2020
[Social Distance]
— PANDAID (@pandaid_band) April 12, 2020
Governments are urging them to refrain from contacting or approaching others. The distance is about 2m. It is easy to understand if you replace it with the size of various things.
Download and paste it where people are crowded # PANDAID https://t.co/jiO1No1oVg pic.twitter.com/PJOfLlX9IG
I don't want to look like this when I die ... pic.twitter.com/zuY1j3tNeT
— Tomoyuki Johnson (@ tomo_yuki2525) April 12, 2020
Glen Lagann Olympus pic.twitter.com/t4WMOrXKT0
— Interstellar City Mountain Potato (@ kankan33333) April 13, 2020
Cats at work do not fight back. Great. But come to me. pic.twitter.com/hVVoiVGc0W
— Ryoko Taki (@ ryoko_t3) April 13, 2020
Moist Aqua pic.twitter.com/v8N1dGoZrP
— Sakura Honoka (@Re_hnk) April 12, 2020
A girl game application that I was doing a few years ago became such a development, I cried ... # Demolition shop Genpic.twitter.com/RsW4KRHnXq
— Lily @ Black Eagle route closed (@kaineko_h) April 12, 2020
'Oh, seniors who kept you waiting!'
— Higuki Higure (@Hizukis_) April 12, 2020
If you tell Rinya and Rider that you are dated with your senior, it is a cherry tree that was overwhelmed and was late pic.twitter.com/cTH4jP0VM4
I tried to convert a strange story heard from a person into a cartoon 2 pic.twitter.com/BCV9IcbvqM
— Seeing (@mitutugu) April 12, 2020
Nanachi to try to eat the cheese to avoid without hill # Made in the Abyss pic.twitter.com/4N5YnIqvAu
— Debiduba (@ gerogero00001) April 12, 2020
Arisu-chan # Arisu's picture book I always wanted to draw pic.twitter.com/ghJHUdWitU
— Niwasane (@ saneatsu03) April 12, 2020
Spritz 40th Anniversary Website
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Postponement of Lantis Label Product Releases Following Declaration of Emergency Due to New Coronavirus | News | Lantis web site
For readers looking forward to updating Kinnikuman-From the editorial department-News | Weekly News [Weekly Playboy News Site]
Protecting a person of power is a sound but a trap for human defense instinct. Being close to one's own pain is the disconnection of the negative chain to the next generation. pic.twitter.com/3jlTk8dAx5
— Eiko Tafusa (@tabusa) April 11, 2020
Love live songs are made for the environment of 'listening with cheap earphones', so there is a sound of slums → Go to mastering story-Togetter
`` I should draw my father like a blade of demon ''
Horamusume. I'm with the first quarter. I put it in front of the desk! pic.twitter.com/vnawjd5VdX
— Masayuki Ishikawa (@isk_ms) April 10, 2020
When learning art anatomy, grasping of arms, legs, and torso changes from A to B. Knowing the internal structure makes the connection to the next area organic. pic.twitter.com/D82GPULZRu
— Izu Art Analyst (@kato_anatomy) April 9, 2020
Why did the 'Starry Sky' end on the way? Director Kazuki Akane talks about 'What can be done now to survive Japanese anime' [65th animation industry watching]-Akiba Research Institute
Medium – Get smarter about what matters to you.
Notice Regarding Our Company's Affiliation, Takihobo | Re: AcT-Virtual Talent (Vtuber) Office
The fucking book 'The Crocodile Dies After 100 Days' was slightly interesting | DIY
[Important request] I want to tell you because your house time is increasing now. Posting a #story video of a #picture book on a video posting site, or selling secondary creations without permission on a flea site is a violation of the Copyright Act . I hope you can see it because I made it easy to understand cartoon. pic.twitter.com/C7rTqpzrPc
— Bronze New Company (@BronzeShinsha) April 10, 2020
Surreal Street Fighter 2-Nico Nico Douga
Overture (Drinking food est)-Nico Nico Douga
Suite 'Taverng Song'-Nico Nico Douga
Assorted eating arrangements-Nico Nico Douga
RINGO FANTASY a cappella sextet-Nico Nico Douga
Oksenman (apple)-Nico Nico Douga
Eating overlove! - Nico Nico Douga
Alchemist of apple-Nico Nico Douga
The food song song flourished-Nico Nico Douga
Yamagata has declined 'Apple World'-Nico Nico Douga
Song of the aiming Kudamon master-Nico Nico Douga
Aim Idol Master! - Nico Nico Douga
Paul von Oberstein's 'Eating'-Nico Nico Douga
Oscar von Royenthal-eating language-Nico Nico Douga
Red apples in Yamagata production area-Nico Nico Douga
Dreadful Ngongo-Nico Nico Douga
RIN-GO RIN-GO-RO-Nico Nico Douga
Don't lose the apple wax-Nico Nico Douga
It seems that Eminem will teach you about eating songs-Nico Nico Douga
Leango Maiden Troyment-Nico Nico Douga
Mozart's Taverya (Kiritan ver.)-Nico Nico Douga
Gu ~ Choco Lantango-Nico Nico Douga
Picture singing song of apple wax-Nico Nico Douga
Hammer, Tavern Knights-Nico Nico Douga
Song of the World War-Nico Nico Douga
Buddy, steady, ringo!-Nico Nico Douga
Brainwashing, exploitation and eating-Nico Nico Douga
◆ Sports / Entertainment / Music / Movie (Entertainment)
The meaning of Suga Shikao's burning is unknown-Otnich-Music Information.com-
Well if it is a movie this is pic.twitter.com/5GDNgtatln
— Yoshimoto (@_hikki) April 12, 2020
What was the problem with Prime Minister Abe's collaboration of Gen Hoshino / Perspective and analysis from musicians | KX | note
One month from lockdown. Thinking about 'protecting culture' from Berlin's case studies | WIRED.jp
My wife and child have died at the same time | One Man Band Party
'From today I am! Theatrical version' notice [released Friday, July 17]
\\ Production decision //
— The movie 'Don't stop the camera!' (@ kametome12) April 13, 2020
A short movie 'Stand off the camera!' Remote Strategy! ] Will be made in a hurry! The turtle stop team regroups and is currently producing at a rapid pace. It will be released on YouTube from the end of April to the beginning of May! ! # Turtle stop # remote stop # remote movie pic.twitter.com/FpzCdLehYt
TKO Kinoshita, 27-hour TV 'Kashiwa Mochi Incident' seems to have been a trauma: Nanjyu Stadium @ N J Summary
◆ New products (clothing, food, residence)
Somen Slider | Special Site | TAKARA TOMY Arts
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