`` Mixed statements of politicians and celebrities in the early epidemic of new coronavirus infection '' movie played 2.8 million times

New coronavirus infections (COVID-19) were

estimated to be 'not very dangerous' at the beginning of the epidemic, and there have been many news reports that neglect the danger . A statement by politicians and celebrities that neglected the danger of COVID-19 is summarized in a movie titled ' Saluting the Heroes of the Coronavirus Pandumbic '. At the time of article creation, it has attracted attention as it exceeded 2.8 million views.

Saluting the Heroes of the Coronavirus Pandumbic | The Daily Show-YouTube

'I'm absolutely convinced. The new coronavirus is like a common cold, you guys. This kind of thing is a novel by Michael Craiton,' said Rush Limbaugh , a leading right and hawk radio personality. It 's the Seki-no-yama where you can make a noise like ' Andromeda pathogen ', 'I'll die if infected!' 'Commented on February 24, 2020.

'The more I learn about the new coronavirus, the more I feel that my interest has

diminished . It's too much exaggeration,' said Pete Hexes , a former Army National Guard and Fox News moderator on March 8. '

'Left-wing media is fueling fears of the new coronavirus,' said famous CNN TV presenter

Lou Dobbs on March 9.

`` Only dozens of passengers on a cruise ship have been infected with the new coronavirus is a sign of the end of the world, '' said

Tom N. Laren , moderator of the conservative news program Fox Nation. I'm more concerned about the heroin syringe handling problem, but maybe I'm the only one. '

'The new coronavirus is just a virus, like the flu. Reports that claim the new coronavirus are far more dangerous do not reflect reality,' said a judge or prosecutor on March 7. Jenny Piro , a conservative advocate who has also worked in the past.

'The new coronavirus should be compared to the flu. The worst, really worst scenario,' said Mark Siegel, an associate professor at Langone Medical Center at New York University and medical reporter at FOX News on March 6. But the danger is that it's finally lined up with the flu. ' Siegel is also known for his book on bird flu,

Bird Flu: Everything You Need to Know About the Next Pandemic .

'The real danger isn't the new coronavirus, it's the old flu. The flu continues to die in the United States,' said

Gerald Rivera , a big host presenting his own eponymous talk show. However, no deaths from the new coronavirus have yet occurred. '

'On the other hand, Fox News caster

Laura Ingram commented on March 9 at the beginning of the show on the new coronavirus,' The facts are extremely reassuring, but you just don't know yet. Was.

'I'm not afraid of the new coronavirus. No one should be afraid,' said political critic

Jesse Watters on March 3.

On March 11, conservative lobbyist

Elder Matt Shrap asserted, 'It's rather difficult to get infected.'

Dr. Drew Pinsky, a prominent expert on poisoning such as alcohol and drugs, commented on March 2 that `` it is thought to be safer and less fatal than we are thinking now. '' .

'If you know the situation, you're not scared,' said Fox News host

Ed Henry on March 10.

'Now is the best time to get on an airplane. The airplane is rattled and you can stretch your legs,' said Fox News personality

Ainsley Erhart on March 13th, saying the epidemic of the new coronavirus. I recommend traveling in the middle.

'If you and your family are healthy, it's a great time to go out and eat at restaurants. Everywhere is fine,' said incumbent Republican politician

Devin Nunes .

On March 4, Republican

Matt Getz appeared in the United States Capitol with a gas mask. He mocked interest in the coronavirus outbreak.

On March 11, Republican

James Inhof replied to a reporter who asked, 'What precautions are you taking?'

'On this job, shaking hands is part of the job. I think Trump will continue shaking hands, and I will,' said Trump administration Vice President

Mike Pence on March 10.

'I'm containment. I'm containment. It's not nearly completely blocked, but it's almost almost perfect,' said

Larry Kudrow, chairman of the National Economic Council under the Trump administration. Remarks on the 25th.

'Containment policies are working,' said Trump President

Kerry Ann Conway .

Famous conservative

analyst Sean Hanity emphasized on February 27, 'Zero deaths in the country. Zero.'

And on February 26, Trump said, 'This is the flu. It's like the flu,' and on February 27, 'It will suddenly disappear one day. Like a miracle.' Was.

However, President Trump said on March 18 that 'I felt this was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.I took it seriously.' doing.

COVID-19 is now considered more dangerous than influenza.

Commentary on the movie why `` new coronavirus infection is more terrifying than influenza ''-gigazine

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log