What are the '50/30/10/10' rules for getting up early and realizing your dream?



It is important to wake up regularly and early in the morning to fulfill your wishes while living a healthy life. Engineer Jason Gutierrez blogs about the '50/30/10/10' rules that are important for getting up early.

The 50/30/10/10 Rule for How to Wake Up Earlier and Work on Your Dream

Gutierrez expresses the four elements of determination, preparation, execution, and luck in the ratio of 50: 30: 10: 10 according to importance in his habit of getting up early.

◆ 50% determination
Gutierrez says he lives up to 5:30 every morning. As Gutierrez says, `` If you want to wake up early, you have to want to wake up early, '' as many people are still sleeping at 5:30 in the morning and try to get up early at that time This requires some effort. For Gutierrez, who usually works from 10 am to 5 pm, waking up at 5:30 in the morning was not an ordinary thing.

Mr. Gutierrez, who is aiming to be a professional writer while working as an engineer, says he is living a life of 'wake up at 5:30 in the morning, write sentences and go to work'. In order to create this life rhythm, he first planted an obsession with himself, saying, 'If you can't get up early you can't write. If you can't write, you can't be a writer. If you can't be a writer, you won't pursue your dreams.' Gutierrez recalls.

◆ 30% preparation
With only obsessive determination, the probability of getting up early the next day is about 50%. Gutierrez has made the following five preparations to ensure that he gets up early.

1: sleep early
The sleep time that performs best varies from person to person, and Gutierrez says he needs to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours. So if you get up two hours earlier than usual and sleep as usual for eight hours, you should sleep two hours earlier, says Gutierrez.



2: Make you sleepable
Gutierrez says he is trying to stop using devices such as PCs and smartphones one hour before going to bed or dimming the screen. Also, drinking hot tea for about 10 minutes meditation ( Niece ) And then go to bed. When she can't sleep, she sometimes reads books until she can sleep on a Kindle with low brightness.

3: Make a plan for the next morning
Gutierrez says he has to waste time and energy by planning what to do in the morning and knowing exactly what to work on. Gutierrez seems to have noticed that if he gets up early and has no set tasks, he is only postponing what to do.

Do not take caffeine after 4:14
It is well known that caffeine has a wakefulness and sleep-inhibiting effect. A 2013 study found that taking caffeine six hours before bedtime significantly reduced the quality and quantity of sleep. For this reason, Gutierrez seems to be trying not to take caffeine after 14:00.

5: Exercise during the day
Sleep quality has been shown to improve with moderate exercise. Gutierrez said he was trying to exercise somewhere in the day.

It turns out that even light exercise can dramatically improve the quality of sleep-gigazine

◆ 10% execution
When you're ready to get up early and get ready to sleep, just sleep. Gutierrez always sets a reminder the night before, telling himself that 'I'll get up at 5:30 tomorrow and write a sentence.' 'This step may seem ridiculous, but don't skip it,' Gutierrez said.

And when you hear the alarm in the early morning, it is important to get out of bed and leave the bedroom immediately. 'Don't keep rumbling in bed while checking SNS and emails, just get up and get out of bed,' notes Gutierrez.

In addition, it is good to give some joy to awakened self. Gutierrez always drinks a cup of hot coffee before work.

by stokpic

◆ 10% luck
Of course, even with all this effort, you may not be able to get up because of the reasons such as 'I worked long hours the day before,' I just moved to a new house and I'm not used to it, '' I was stressed, '' I just wanted to sleep. '

Gutierrez's dog, Moses, wakes up every morning between 4:30 and 5:30. I had to wake up each morning when Moses wakes up and take Moses out of the room to prevent the dog getting up early on the carpet. The fact that Moses happened to get up early forced him to get up early, and Gutierrez was able to get up early.

'It's not right to say luck, but rather the responsibility of the owner. But having a partner to fulfill my responsibilities can change my world, and for me that partner It happened to be Moses, 'explains Gutierrez.

in Note, Posted by log1i_yk