Survey results that the number of received e-mails is increasing but the opening rate is decreasing



According to an email benchmarking study published in 2019 by Twilio SendGrid , which provides communication services such as sending and receiving text messages, more than 60,000 senders sent a total of over 60 billion emails every month. I understood that. According to the survey, although the number of emails received per recipient has increased since 2018, the rate of opening emails and clicking on content in emails has declined.

Announcing the 2019 Email Benchmark and Engagement Study | SendGrid

Looking at the results of a survey conducted in the United States and United Kingdom, the rate at which recipients open sent email (Aggregate Open Rate), the rate at which content in emails is clicked (Aggregate Click Rate), and the rate at which emails are opened However, the rate of click-to-open rate in emails is lower than in 2018. In particular, the percentage of recipients opening emails has dropped significantly. However, the average number of messages sent by recipients was 8.3 per month, an increase over 2018.

A questionnaire survey of recipients revealed that 84% check email at least once a day and 63% check email many times a day .

In addition, when we surveyed recipients about the amount of content required for email, more than 90% felt that a small amount of text or a few paragraphs was just right. Few recipients needed image-only content or longer messages with more than 4 paragraphs, and the results were common across all ages.

In addition, in the mail display questionnaire, regardless of the device, such as a smartphone, tablet, or PC, 60 recipients want to be displayed appropriately without having to zoom in or scroll to read the mail. It showed more than%.

In the questionnaire about the timing of determining what you want to receive for mail delivered from the company, about 60 recipients want to decide whether or not to deliver when notifying the company of their email address. %.

More detailed survey results are only available to Twilio SendGrid mail service users.

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log