The four-day work system has many benefits such as increased productivity and reduced corporate spending.

In recent years, the 4-day work system, which increases the number of holidays by 1 day, has attracted attention in place of the 5-day work system that has been widely adopted. Miriam Marra , a lecturer in finance at Reading University , explains various merits about working 4 days a week, where there is a voice of anxiety that `` I may not be able to handle the same amount of work as before '' .
Four-day week pays off for UK business | Henley Business School
Economics of a four-day working week: research shows it can save businesses money
Marra's research team conducted an interview survey and analysis of companies that introduced a four-day work week in the UK, and the target company was able to reduce the total expenditure of £ 92 billion a year (about 13 trillion yen) I discovered that This is equivalent to 2% of total sales at the target companies.
It seems that 51% of the target companies answered that the '4 days a week labor system is bringing about cost reductions', and cost reductions such as the cost of using the company's facilities and overtime pay resulted in a reduction in expenditures. I can see that. In addition, 62% of the target companies reported that “the number of staff resting due to illness has decreased”, 63% responded that “the quality of work has improved” and 64% said “the productivity of work has improved”. The

Marra also touched on the results of Microsoft Japan's experimental introduction of a four-day work week, pointing out that 'the positive results produced by the four-day work system are in agreement'. In August 2019, Microsoft Japan conducted an experiment to make every Friday a holiday as a special paid leave, and 2,300 employees worked four days a week.
As a result, it was announced that employee productivity increased by 40% compared to August 2018. As a result of this experiment, Microsoft Japan has adopted measures such as reducing the time and number of meetings and using an online platform, and it is possible that measures related to improving productivity have also been successful.
The benefits of Microsoft Japan's introduction of a four-day work week are not limited to productivity, and it has been reported that power consumption has decreased by 23% and paper printing has decreased by 59%. According to Marra, Marra said, 'This experiment suggests that a four-day work week arrangement may begin to be applied in Japan , one of the strongest countries in workaholic culture .' Said.

In addition, Marra's research team claims that the benefits of a four-day work week are not limited to business and work. According to Marra's survey, 54% of employees cited “shopping”, 43% “watching movies and plays”, and 39% “eating out at restaurants” as a way to spend extra holidays. And the 4 days a week labor system may boost consumption, and the effect may spread to the whole society. In addition, as reported by Microsoft Japan, in addition to reducing power consumption and paper consumption in the company, there is a possibility of bringing benefits to the environment, such as reducing the number of commuting times and reducing fuel consumption. .
However, even though the many benefits of a four-day work week are alleged, it may be difficult for the service industry and public service sites to make three days a week a holiday. In addition, it is important to aim to improve productivity by simply reducing working hours, and Marra said it is important to focus on various productivity improvement measures like Microsoft Japan. Said.

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