2020 theme color is decided to be “Classic Blue”, what kind of color is it?
To provide the most widely color swatches that are used in the world
Pantone® Color of the Year 2020: PANTONE 19-4052 Classic Blue announced
(PDF file) https://www.pantone-store.jp/download/Pantone_COY2020_Press_Release_JPN.pdf
Pantone Color of the Year 2020 Introduction | PANTONE 19-4052 Classic Blue
Pantone has announced various theme colors so far, for example, in 2019, the live coral bright pink color “Living Coral” was selected.
Pantone announces that the color in 2019 is `` Living Coral ''-gigazine
About 2020's theme color `` Classic Blue '' Pantone said, `` The nature of the PANTONE 19-4052 Classic Blue, which is reminiscent of the sunset sky and brings about the security of the suggestive PANTONE 19-4052 It highlights our desire for a reliable and stable foundation that we must have. '
This is `` Classic Blue ''
Pantone's Color of the Year 'reflects the link between what is happening now' and 'reflects the person who feels the color is needed' “It ’s color,” says Laurie Pressman, Pantone's vice president. In recent years, technology to create
Classic Blue's Cotton Swatch Card and Plastic Chips released by Pantone are like this.
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