I tried Haagen-Dazs `` Japone Hojicha Kinako Kurohoney '' that can enjoy the Japanese collaboration of kinako black honey sauce and Hojicha sorbet

Haagen-Dazs sticks to `` authentic Japanese taste '' and jointly develops with `` Japone '' series, `` Japone Hojicha Kinako Kuromitsu '' is a 7-Eleven from Tuesday, October 29, 2019 Appears in a limited edition. It is said that it is a sweet that combines ingredients that feel Japanese, such as Hojicha sorbet, Hojicha cookies, and Kinakome black honey sauce, so I actually tried to eat what it tastes.
“Haagen-Dazs“ Japone Hojicha Kinako Kurotsumi ”” October 29, 2019 | Haagen-Dazs Japan
The package of Haagen-Dazs “Japone Hojicha Kinako Kurohoney” looks like this.

Looking at the raw material names, the breakdown was divided into the milk ice cream part (ice cream part) and the hojicha sorbet (solve part). The type of ice cream part is “Ice Cream” with a milk fat content of 13.5%. Ingredients include cream, defatted concentrated milk, sugar, and hojicha cookies. The kind of sorbet part was “Frozen confectionery”, and the raw material was kinako black honey sauce and hojicha.

The content per piece is 105ml and the calorie is 200kcal.

When the lid was opened and the film was peeled off, it was covered with kinako black honey sauce.

The sauce feels thick, and the sweetness of black honey and the flavor of fragrant powder are perfect.
After scooping up with a spoon, the Hojicha sorbet under the sauce appeared. Hojicha sorbet is moderately sweet, and the gentle scent of Hojicha spreads in your mouth. Eating with kinako black honey sauce adds a solid sweetness and gives the impression that the dessert feel further improves.

Under the Hojicha sorbet, milk ice cream and granulated Hojicha cookies were hidden.

Milk ice cream feels the rich flavor of milk, and you can enjoy a taste like roasted green tea latte by eating it with roasted tea sorbet and kinako flour black honey sauce. Hojicha cookies were hardened near the outer periphery of the cup, and the ice cream soaked into a moist texture.

“Japone Hojicha Kinako Kurohoney” can be purchased at Seven-Eleven nationwide, and the suggested retail price is 334 yen (excluding tax).
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