It is possible that `` hormonal balance is broken '' that nausea even though you are not eating anything


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If you spend a long time patience without eating, some people may feel hungry, light nausea, discomfort, and abdominal pain. Dr. Christine Lee, who is in charge of gastroenterology at the Cleveland Clinic , explains why nausea occurs despite not eating food.

Why Does Hunger Sometimes Cause Nausea? | Live Science

Dr. Lee cites “ hypergastric acid ” as the reason for nausea on an empty stomach . The stomach secretes strong acid gastric juice as digestive fluid, but if gastric juice is secreted without eating for a long time, the stomach's inner mucous membrane will be damaged, and it will flow back into the esophagus causing nausea and heartburn. There is a possibility.

Dr. Lee points out that gastric juices are secreted excessively on an empty stomach because the balance between the two hormones, leptin and ghrelin , is lost .

Leptin is a hormone secreted by fat cells that acts on the hypothalamus to cause “decreased appetite” and promote energy consumption. The feeling of fullness that you are full of stomach and can no longer eat is obtained by the secretion of this leptin.


MIKI Yoshihito

Ghrelin, on the other hand, is a hormone secreted mainly by the stomach and causes “appetite enhancement” by acting on the diencephalon hypothalamus. Previous studies have shown that ghrelin affects various functions in the body such as gastric secretion, intestinal peristalsis, taste, and glucose metabolism.

Leptin and ghrelin secretion are correlated, and maintaining that balance maintains proper appetite and weight. However, ignoring hunger and not eating for a long time can disrupt the hormone balance of leptin and ghrelin, resulting in excessive secretion of ghrelin from the stomach.

by Gem

According to Dr. Lee, there are individual differences in sensitivity to ghrelin. And if ghrelin is secreted excessively in the body of a person highly sensitive to ghrelin, gastric juice is secreted excessively despite hunger, and there is a possibility that mild nausea and abdominal pain may be caused by excessive gastric acidity .

“High sensitivity of ghrelin” means “soon to get hungry”, and because it inevitably increases the amount of food intake, it can be said to be easily obese. Dr. Lee cautioned, “If you feel nausea and pain with a strong feeling of hunger, you may need to have a metabolic syndrome, such as high blood sugar, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure.”

in Science,   Food, Posted by log1i_yk