Apex Legends developer overwhelmed the player as a `` stupid '' and `` takariya ''

The developer of the popular battle royal game Apex Legends , which is free to play basic games, found out that the reddit on the online bulletin board called the player “done”, “takariya”, and so on.
An Update on The Iron Crown Event: apexlegends
Apex Legends Forum Becomes Heated as Developer Calls Toxic Community Members 'A **-hats'-IGN
Apex Legends developers spark outrage after calling gamers “dicks”, “ass-hats” and “freeloaders”
Apex Legends forum furious as devs call players 'ass-hats' and 'freeloaders'-Polygon
Released in February 2019, the free-to-play Battle Royale game Apex Legends has won over 10 million players in the first three days. Popular e-sports team gathers one after another and attracts high popularity and attention.
What is “Apex Legends” that has won over 10 million players in just 3 days from the distribution? -GIGAZINE

reddit has a forum dedicated to Apex Legends, but one player accuses the developer of calling the developer 'the mistress' in a thread about update information. In response, Drew McCoy, executive producer of Respawn Entertainment, dko5.
McCoy replied to the dissatisfied player, saying in a vulgar expression, 'This is an example bastard.' This comment was inundated with condemnation, such as collecting downvote for -5337 points at the time of writing the article.
In another

“Since there are really few people who pay money, most of you will be Takariya,”

McCoy's series of comments stems from discussions about the Apex Legends revenue model: “Basic play is free and you can make money by paying for items in the game”. In the event of Iron Crown being held in the Apex Legends game, a root box (gacha) called Iron Crown Collection Pack containing items such as player character skins is distributed, and all limited items including skins etc. An average fee of $ 140 (about 15000 yen) is required to prepare .
On the other hand, some players complained that it was `` too expensive '', but Mr. McCoy wrote the above-mentioned rant in a form to refute this, the discussion escalated, and condemned compensation Evolved into Eventually, Respawn Entertainment responded by selling the billed items in small parts, and announced that 'in future collection events, we will be able to acquire items by more means than billing.'
However, Respawn Entertainment's community manager Jay Frechette, who announced the change in the event, said, “It ’s good to see you liar to us, and to make a personal attack on the shit. We apologize. However, in announcing the update of the event contents, it may have been a little 'childhood' that condemned you, 'he commented and made a remark that the player is also non-existent.

Players who aren't convinced of these official responses finally announced a public questionnaire to Redspit on Reddit. “U / cooloats”, a reddit user, said in the questionnaire: “You have committed the ultimate deadly sin. You have become personally unsuitable as a professional, calling players“ Manuke ”and“ Takariya ” 'This is not a sensible attitude,' he points out. In response to the voices of these players, the official announcement from Respawn Entertainment has not been made so far.
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in Game, Posted by log1l_ks