For children, the number of views of YouTube movies played by children is much higher than the others

The movies posted on YouTube are not only adult content created by adults, but also children's content that can be viewed on YouTube Kids, a children's app developed by YouTube , and children and parents play together There are also many YouTube movies. Pew Labs , an American think tank, analyzes movies and views posted on YouTube, and 'YouTubde earns more views for children's content and movies with children's appearance than other movies.' Announced.
2. Children's content, content featuring children and video games were among the most-viewed video genres | Pew Research Center
YouTube videos with kids get three times as many views as videos without kids-The Verge
Pew Labs experimented with analyzing trends and views of movies posted during the first week of January 2019, targeting popular English-speaking channels with more than 250,000 subscribers as of the end of 2018 I did. Although the YouTube of the movie there is a tag or summary field, the only such information in performing a thorough analysis is difficult, because the information is there also may not be accurate, Pew Institute of crowdsourcing service Amazon Mechanical Using Turk , people actually watched the movie and classified it according to the content.
In addition to general categories such as 'Video games' and 'Music / Dance', people who watched the movie 'whether the movie is children's content aimed only at children under 13 years old' In addition, it was asked to judge whether the child who seems to be under 13 years old appeared in the movie. Because there is a gap in human judgment, the movie was confirmed by three cloud workers and adjusted for personal bias.
Of the movies uploaded by popular channels during the period, 34% were for general entertainment and Vlog (video blogs), 18% for video games and 12% for politics and the latest topics.

Also, 4% of the movies posted during the period were targeted at children under 13 years of age. According to Pew Labs, children's content posted on YouTube has also been found to have longer viewing times and more views compared to content for other general audiences.
While the average number of views for general movies was 99,713, the movie for children recorded an average number of views of 153,227 times. The average movie viewing time also tended to be longer for children's movies than for regular movies. As a category into which content for children is classified, “Toys and Games” is the highest at 28%.

'Children appeared in the movie but not for children only' The movie was 2% of all the movies posted during the period. The average number of viewing times of these movies has reached 297,574 times, and it can be seen that the number of viewing times is three times as many as the average number of views of the ordinary movie, 9,9713 times.
Furthermore, the average number of plays of 'content for children with children appearing' is 416985, which means that the number of plays is more than four times higher than a general movie. 'The YouTuber who made the most of YouTube in 2018' is a 7-year-old boy named Ryan, and Ryan's YouTube channel ' Ryan ToysReview ' boasts more than 20 million subscribers at the time of writing.
What does a boy who earns at least 2.4 billion yen on YouTube at age 7 publish? -GIGAZINE

While content for children with children is gaining in popularity, only 21% of all movies in which children are targeted for children, 79% are content for older age groups And that. It is said that most of the movies for children but not for children are movies posted by parenting and family blog channels. Pew Labs says that the content of the movie is that children wearing new clothes and singing have become popular.
by Pexels
In addition, YouTube commented to The Verge's inquiry, 'We can not talk about the methodology and results of the research conducted by Pew Labs.' There are still many YouTubers that take measures to 'introduce children' in order to increase the number of views, and the YouTube channel for child rearing has gained popularity, and the popular YouTuber may have children appear in their own movies.
However, while movies in which children appear on YouTube are gaining popularity, some critics say to YouTube that 'movies with young children are promoting sexual exploitation of children.' In response to these accusations, YouTube has taken action by, for example, disabling the comment function for children's content.
YouTube Disables Content Commenting for Children's Content, Deletes Some Movies & Closes Malicious Channels-GIGAZINE

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