YouTube flags horror movies as 'children' and can't be changed

The YouTube algorithm has flagged horror movies as 'children's' against the creator's intentions and does not allow creators to change settings, reports IT news site Ars Technica.
YouTube flags horror video as “for kids,” won't let creator change rating | Ars Technica
YouTube, in agreement with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), requires creators to declare whether a video is for children. In addition, YouTube uses a machine learning system to detect content for children, and may set the video as 'for children' instead of the creator. Examples of videos that are said to be 'for children' include 'children are the main viewers of the video' and 'actors, characters, activities, and games that assume children as viewers, although children are not the main viewers.' , Songs, stories and themes are included in the video, so it is aimed at children. ' Videos set for children are subject to restrictions such as the comment section being closed from the perspective of protecting children.
However, on July 5, 2022, creator Chris Straub, who posted several horror movies on YouTube, said, 'Videos that were set as inappropriate for children were flagged for children.' Insisted. The horror movie series ' Local58TV ' created by Mr. Straub has nine videos posted from 2017 to 2021, and has been played nearly 20 million times in total. However, Ars Technica says that 'clearly not a children's series' because some videos contain eerie expressions and messages suggesting murder.
congrats @youtube on the decision to auto-designate @ LOCAL58TV's “show for children” as FOR KIDS despite my having set it as inappropriate for kids. I also can't change it voluntarily without an * appeal * / dnhmzL9hbi
— Kris Straub (@krisstraub) July 5, 2022
YouTube flagged it as 'for children' in a 3 minute 11 second video titled 'Show For Children.' The content is that every time a skeleton wandering around the graveyard encounters a grave that has been dug up, he looks inside and is surprised at what is inside. It is certainly considered to be for children because it is drawn with a comical touch, but Mr. Straub said that he did not set this video to 'for children', but even more strictly 'only for 18 years old and over'. That thing.
LOCAL58TV --Show For Children --YouTube
Mr. Straub tried to change the setting after this video was flagged for children, but YouTube has restricted the change. It seems that it is not possible to set it as limited to 18 years old and over again, Mr. Straub has filed an objection to YouTube.
Ars Technica says, 'YouTube asks if a video is a kid every time a creator uploads a video. Why YouTube tries to automatically classify videos, especially set explicitly as'adult'.' It's not clear why you're trying to make changes to your videos. Google should be cautious about sensitive and subjective things like whether certain content should be shown to children. '.
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