YouTube invalidates comment function for children's content, some movies are deleted & malicious channels are closed

On criticism that YouTube is "promoting children's sexual exploitation", official blog to invalidate comments thought to cause sexual exploitation of movies targeting young minors Announced.

YouTube Creator Blog: More updates on our actions related to the safety of minors on YouTube

YouTube will disable comments on most videos of kids because of pedophiles | Ars Technica

There are countless movies on YouTube, and there are many things that reflect the young children in it. Although the movie itself that children wear swimsuits and fights in sports is never child pornography, it is regarded as a problem that links are attached by comments to popular scenes from child sexualities.

Also, criticism was focused as "a child's sexual exploitation is being done on YouTube" as this community of children and lovers is formed by this comment and an algorithm displaying YouTube's recommended movies. As a result, it is reported that Disney and Epic Games raised advertisement on YouTube.

Criticism that "YouTube is promoting children's sexual exploitation", Disney and Epic Games to raise advertisements on YouTube - GIGAZINE

In response to this, YouTube said, "We have invalidated comments from tens of millions of movies that may be affected by sexual objections." "Over the next few months we will target young children We will stop the movie that we did and the comment that seems to have the danger of attracting sexual obstacles to children's movies. "

Also, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki says, "There is nothing as important as securing the safety of young people on the platform."

In response to ArsTchnica's interview, YouTube has deleted all thousands of inappropriate comments on children's movies in the past 48 hours, closed more than 400 channels that are said to be involved in sexual exploitation, He said that he deleted the movie that had been subject to sexual objections despite being posted without any intention.

Also, while YouTube says, "We are also reporting some illegal content," he says, "There are lots of other things to do". ArsTechnica asked YouTube whether the problem was found in the algorithm that caused this uproar, but I was told that I could not get a response to that question.

in Web Service, Posted by log1i_yk