The long-awaited 'Microsoft Flight Simulator' latest work 'develop while linking with the user community'
At the world's largest game event '
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The new Microsoft Flight Simulator trailer published on E3 2019 is summarized in the following articles:
Master Flight Simulator 'Microsoft Flight Simulator' Revives for the First Time in 14 Years, Will Be Equipped with Cloud AI by Microsoft Azure-GIGAZINE
The Microsoft Flight Simulator, announced for the 2020 release at E3 2019, is the first in 14 years since the 2006 Microsoft Flight Simulator X. As a word that indicates the driving force behind the development team, 'A person who once felt a sense of flying in the sky will walk up the ground while looking up at the sky. I want to return to the place where I used to be' While citing da Vinci's quotations, the development team commented that 'we had to wait very long for this turbulence because of the air flow for more than 10 years.'
He said, 'Thank you for looking into future possibilities while asking for an explanation of the past. I want to create the next generation of Microsoft Flight Simulator with you,' The following five messages were listed as answers to the questions that were frequently received.
◆ 1: We are developing a new Microsoft Flight Simulator. Emphasis is placed on the word 'simulator'.
◆ 2: The new Microsoft Flight Simulator is designed for PCs and is optimized for multi-platform support such as Xbox.
◆ 3: The development team supports third-party content development and community content creation. We are currently addressing ecosystem concerns.
◆ 4: The development team wants to work closely with the community in developing the new Microsoft Flight Simulator.
◆ 5: Accessibility is very important. Regardless of ability, if the player wants to fly, we want to do anything we can do to make it happen, including handling the yoke , pedals , mouse, keyboard, and controller. Don't leave the pilot.
The development team 'in order to maintain a cooperative relationship with the community, transparency and clearly transmitted expected you need information,' said, for such an update schedule of the development schedule and preview build prospect of early August 2019 I clarified it to announce. 'This is just the first step in the adventure. The reaction from the trailers published at E3 is an amazing reminder that we're not the only ones passionate about Microsoft Flight Simulator. Thanks to everyone's opinions, impressions and concerns, we are grateful that we can move on to the next step. '
If you want to share information with the development team and want to contribute to a new Microsoft Flight Simulator development project, you will need to register an email address for the insider program from the following page.
Insider Program Sign Up-Microsoft Flight Simulator
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in Game, Posted by log1i_yk