The skull of a modern person may be deformed due to the oversight of a smartphone

With the spread of smartphones, people can always see a person who takes a steady attitude to look at the small screen at hand even if they are walking in the city, but when they live a life prone to operate smartphones , The neck bones and muscles may be strained and the body may be adversely affected. Under such circumstances, it has been reported that among the young people who frequently use smartphones, there is a surprising survey result that bones called ' outside occipital ridges ' near the junction of the skull and the spine are growing.
A morphological adaptation? The prevalence of enlarged external occipital protuberance in young adults-Shahar-2016-Journal of Anatomy-Wiley Online Library
Humans Are Growing Weird, Bone Spikes on Their Skulls. Smartphones May Be the Culprit.
2016, Sunshine Coast University research team led by Mr. David Shaharu is a health scientist of the 18 X-ray photos of 218 patients to 30-year-old investigation was. The external occipital ridge is usually about 5 mm in size, but in approximately 41% of the patients, the projection of the external occipital ridge is found to be 10 mm or more, and 10% has grown to 20 mm or more. In addition, the protrusion of the external occipital ridge was seen more in male patients than in female patients, and it was projected that the maximum was 35.7 mm.
In addition, in a study conducted in 2018, Mr. Shahal examined the enlargement of the extraoccipital ridge on 1,200 people between the ages of 18 and 86. Then, it seems that the external occipital ridge has grown to 10 mm or more in 33% of the whole surveyed group, but it is more than doubled in the 18-29-year-old group compared to the 30's, 40's, 50's group The extraoccipital protrusion was seen in the
The image below is an x-ray of a 28-year-old man (top) and a 58-year-old man (bottom). You can see that the 28-year-old man protrudes 27.8 mm and the 58-year-old man protrudes 24.5 mm.

A person who walks upright two legs supports the head, which weighs about 4 to 5 kg, with the spine. However, if you take a lot of forward-looking posture that curls your back, your load on the spine including the bones of your neck will be limited, you may feel numbness and pain in your arms, and autonomic nervous system symptoms such as headache and dizziness. It will be triggered. These symptoms are called '
Text necks tend to stress particularly at the head-neck junction to support a heavy head. Shahal says that pressure on the head-neck junction is due to anteversion of the neck to look at the smartphone, according to previous studies that 'the extra-occipital protrusion is relatively common in young people.' It is guessed that the external occipital ridge might have protruded to disperse this.

by Claudio Alvarado Solari
'It's rare for the extraoccipital bulge to cause medical problems, but if you feel discomfort or discomfort, please try to improve your posture first,' said Shahal.
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