What is a really effective solution, not 'because the neck hurts because of poor posture'?

Many people should have been advised to “correct their posture” when they feel stiffness or pain in their necks. However, in recent research, there is not much relation between “neck pain” and “posture”. It is being reconsidered. Christian Worthfold, a visiting lecturer at the College of Physical Therapy, Hertfordshire University, explains an effective solution when you feel pain in your neck.
Three reasons you have neck pain – and why 'bad posture' probably isn't one of them

“Poor posture” is often cited as a cause of neck pain, but in fact, “insufficient sleep”, “insufficient exercise”, and “increase in stress” are also thought to be related to neck pain. In recent years, chairs, desks, keyboards, etc. to correct posture have also appeared, but for the reasons described above, `` lifestyle change '' may be more effective in relieving pain than `` posture '' That there is.
A study that raises questions about the relationship between neck pain and posture is a study published in 2016 . In this study, the relationship between neck pain and posture was examined in 1108 subjects aged 17 years, and `` bad posture '' is a relatively easy-to-identify index, but the posture is bad when sitting Was shown to have nothing to do with neck pain. If it was limited to adolescent boys and girls, the poor attitude was rather related to the subject's “mood”.
Also, so-called “ergonomic intervention”, that is, changing the design of a mouse or computer or using an assistive to correct posture has little or no relation to causing neck pain. The 2018 survey shows that there is nothing. On the other hand, studies have been published that conclude that ergonomic interventions can help people with neck pain to relieve pain.
In several studies, Worthfold followed up on two groups: “Persons with no neck pain” and “Persons with occasional neck pain”. As a result, it was found that people with pain in their necks had a short sleeping time, poor sleep quality, and worked tightly. These people also seemed to lack exercise and sometimes reported depression. The subject's body felt great stress and was aware that there was muscle tension in the neck. These symptoms had already occurred before the pain occurred. Researchers have found that even a nine-year-old boy can be a risk factor for neck pain because of fatigue, sleep problems, headache, abdominal pain, and depression.
by xusenru
From these studies, it can be said that enjoying daily exercise by increasing the amount of daily walking, taking a good sleep, and avoiding stress can prevent neck pain. Also, avoiding sitting in one posture for a long time and changing postures little by little is considered good for neck pain.
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in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log