Mouth melt 'Cotton Snow Candy Premium' tasting review appropriate for the expression 'Watasaki' melon flesh entered

Mister Donut's summer staple 'Cotton Snow Candy', which melts like snow when it is put in the mouth, has appeared this year. In 2019, three types of ' Cotton Snow Candy Premium ' were developed with a sense of fruit with a flesh source and a large cut fruit, and it is said that ' Gurotto Melon ' has been provided from May 24. Because it was a thing, I actually went to the shop and ate.
Cotton Snow Candy Premium, Cotton Snow Candy | New Products | Mister Donut
Arrived at Mister Donut.

I received a number tag when I ordered it. 'I wonder if it will take time?'

Cotton snow candy was delivered in about three minutes from order.

The cup is about the same height as the 123.8mm iPhone SE.

There is plenty of soft melon flesh on the fluffy ice. Topped with sparkling sugar above the melon.
Cotton snow candy ice does not look like rough ice like shaved ice, but looks like a folded ribbon. The texture unique to ice is not felt when it is put in the mouth, and it melts so quickly that the image of 'Snowflake'. The flavor of the milk, which can be felt faintly, disappears in a matter of seconds, so it will carry a bite, a bite and ice to the mouth in search of light sweetness.

The orange-colored sauce contained the flesh of melon cut into a large size, and the juice was overflowing in my mouth. Because the melon flavor is overwhelming, if you eat ice with the sauce, the pale milk flavor will disappear ...

You can enjoy two flavors by alternately eating the part with the sauce and the part without the sauce.

In addition, 'Cotton Snow Candy Premium Gurotto Melon' is tax-included 669 yen, and it is said that it will be finished as soon as each shop disappears because the number is limited. In addition, from January 21st (Friday), the second round of Cotton Snow Candy Premium, 'Roto White Peach', and from July 19 (Friday), the third round 'Rotorto Grape,' It will appear.

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in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log