Depending on age you may be homosexual or heterosexual

The words 'heterosexual', 'homosexual', and 'bisexual' are sexually oriented words, but such words are a reality that can not be classified clearly Is complicated. Sexual orientation from teens to thirties is fluid , and research results have been published that 'age can turn into homosexuals and heterosexuals.'
Sexual Orientation Trajectories Based on Sexual Attractions, Partners, and Identity: A Longitudinal Investigation From Adolescence Through Young Adulthood Using a US Representative Sample: The Journal of Sex Research: Vol 0, No 0
Here's More Evidence Sexual Orientation Is Fluid Right Into Our Adult Years
The research was conducted by Christine Castor, Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies at Virginia Tech. Mr. Castor used data from a national survey of students in the United States to investigate the sexual orientation of more than 6,000 men and women between the ages of 16 and 32 and the sex of sexual and sexual partners. According to the survey, sexual orientation in both teens and twenties in both men and women is fluid, and the words 'heterosexual' and 'homosexual' (homosexuals) are common words expressing sexual orientation. 'The bisexuals' were found to be inappropriate in the classification.
According to Mr. Kastolu, according to age-related liquidity, if you classify sexual orientation, men will be “heterosexuals” “mostly heterosexual or bisexual” “rapidly homosexual” “sexually Women are classified into four categories of 'undeveloped', 'females' 'generally heterosexuals but rarely homosexuals' 'rapidly becoming bisexuals' 'rapidly becoming homosexuals' 'sexually It is said to be classified into five categories of 'undeveloped'.

Men and women who are classified as 'rapely become homosexual' have sexual relationships and romantic relationships with heterosexuals in their teens, but there are very few such relationships. However, she entered her twenties and now she has many sexual and romantic relationships with her same sex, and in her late twenties she seems to have only almost homosexual relationships.
Even in men classified as heterosexual, about 6% have homosexuality experience as a teenager. However, even in these 20s, they only have relationships with the opposite sex. On the other hand, women classified as 'heterosexuals' are only 2.4% of those who have had homosexuality in their teens, but in the late twenties, 'almost heterosexuals' who sometimes have relationships with same sex The person who becomes will appear. Men tend to be heterosexuals in their 20s even if they are teenage and bisexual, but women tend to be bisexuals in their late 20s even if they are teenage and heterosexual.

In addition, women tend to be more sexually oriented than men, and men often belong to the extreme sexual orientation of being either heterosexual or rapidly becoming homosexual, while women are generally It is said that there are more people who belong to sexual orientation, such as lover but rarely homosexuals and 'simply become bisexual' compared to men.
Mr. Castor said that sexual orientation changes: 'Even if you become homosexual or bisexual, your sex partner in teens is almost the opposite sex, but in the early 20's the trend of homosexuality / bisexuality Gradually intensify and find their own sexual orientation in the late twenties, as it is a time to be independent of human beings in the early twenties It is thought to look for sexual orientation or to recognize the same sexual attraction. ”

Sexual minorities have major health and welfare issues . People who belong to sexual minorities have a very high probability of having mental illness, substance abuse, suicide etc., and it has been found that the screening rate for tests such as cancer tests and sexually transmitted diseases is lower.

By chris johnson
'Classification is not enough to understand sexual minorities. In order to understand sexual minorities, extensive research is needed, such as how their sexual orientation changes with age. Categorizing sexual orientation is a daunting task, but understanding sexual orientation can help bridge the health gap between sexual minorities and those who are not, ”says Mr. Castor. did.
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