If the manager checks the mail frequently, it may become the cause such as the ability decline and the stress of the subordinate increase.



The exchange of in-house emails for the purpose of ' report, reunion, and liaison ' is very important to facilitate business operations. However, it has been reported that when managers check e-mail frequently, their ability as a leader declines, which causes their subordinates' stress and negative emotions to increase and their performance to fall.

Boxed in your inbox: Implications of daily e-mail demands for managers' leadership behaviors.

Is email evil? Bosses are getting boxed in their inbox | MSUToday Michigan State University

Study: Checking Email Less Frequently Leads To More Productive Workday, Especially For Managers-Study Finds

In a study conducted at Michigan State University in the United States, “E-mail frequency and its importance”, “Recognition of progress on the most important task,” was presented to company employees and their subordinates who belong to 48 management positions. We conducted a survey twice a day for two weeks on the question “How much did you help your staff?”. According to the survey, more than 90 minutes are spent per day for business interruption and return by manager's e-mail, and the decline in concentration by mail check has the effect of more than simple time, manager's performance Have the potential to

On the day the manager reported that 'e-mail was coming frequently', the manager did not know much about the progress of the team's work, 'will motivate subordinates', 'explain job', etc. It is said that the work that should be done as the leader of the team was not carried out efficiently.

By Pressmaster

It also turns out that the leader's behavior has a strong correlation with his or her performance. The decrease in managerial ability as a team leader caused by e-mail not only lowers all subordinates 'work performance, job satisfaction, loyalty and motivation for the company, etc., but also their subordinates' stress and negative emotions. It seems to increase it.

'E-mail is convenient, but excessive use can even be harmful if management is at work,' said Russell Johnson, professor of business administration at Michigan State University, who led the study. Instead of responding every time a message appears, we recommend that you set a time to check your email and recommend that you check your email less frequently. '

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log