What is the ``85% rule'' that moderately relaxes the team's performance to the highest level?

There is a mindset that 'maximum results require maximum effort' to achieve maximum performance. However, the latest research suggests that the effort required to achieve the best performance is around '85%'.

To Build a Top Performing Team, Ask for 85% Effort | Hacker News


The claim that 100% or more effort is necessary for success, such as ``no pain, no gain'', ``no glory without guts'', and ``110% effort'', has been popular not only in Japan but also in the United States since the 1980s. It seems to have existed for a long time. This mindset still exists among American corporate managers, and as a result, some companies offer “yoga to deal with stress” while “working more than 80 hours a week”. It is said that a double bind such as seeking for is occurring.

In order to prevent employees from falling into burnout syndrome , companies are making various efforts such as introducing wellness apps, but the most important thing is that ``maximum results require maximum effort. The latest research has revealed that it is to change the way of thinking.

For example, in the case of track and field sprinting,

it has been found that reaching 100% acceleration too early will increase the time it takes to complete the 100m run . Carl Lewis , a 10-time Olympic medalist, also said , ``Training should be smart. I explained the importance of removing the

Carl Lewis' coach Tom Telles also recommended that sprinters relax their jaws, face, and eyes, and advised them not to clench their teeth when competing. I'm here. This is because if you put too much effort into your whole body, the tension will be transferred from your neck to your core and legs, leading to poor performance.

Even in ordinary companies, there are often bosses who demand excessive effort, saying, 'If you don't work harder, you won't be able to get ahead.' In some cases, the “customs of the old company” continue in the new company. All of these cases are based on the idea that 'maximum effort is required to achieve maximum results.'

However, maximum effort does not always lead to maximum results. A manager who manages a team can achieve the maximum performance of the team by 'scheduling to work at a level slightly below the maximum capacity'.

Below is a graph showing that the branch point between effort (Exertion) and excessive effort (excessive effort) is suitable for a break, based on work time (horizontal axis) and performance (vertical axis). We know you need to rest at the right time to prevent physical and mental fatigue and maintain peak performance.

A survey of more than 1,000 workers by

the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence found that 20% reported being both 'preoccupied with work' and 'having burnout syndrome' at the same time. It points out the danger of being absorbed, that is, continuing to make excessive efforts.

They also reported that those who were 'exhausted by work' were passionate about their work, but also reported high levels of stress and frustration. In other words, it also means that ``people who are immersed in their work'' are more likely to be ``the employees with the highest risk of quitting their jobs''. In other words, a series of studies suggest that the reason why companies lose talented employees may not be due to 'lack of employee effort' but due to 'burnout syndrome due to overwork'. It is said that there is.

What is important there is the 85% rule that 'accepts 85% correct decisions instead of seeking 100% perfection'. There are two types of perfectionists: those who have high standards for themselves and others, and those who are always worried about their failures and believe that if they do not achieve perfection, others will judge them less. Two types exist. By asking for the 85% rule, unnecessary pressure from perfectionists will be eliminated, and there will be no need to wait for 100% correct decision making before taking action, making it easier for the team to move forward.

One of the important factors in adopting the 85% rule is 'high pressure language'. Using high pressure terms like 'as soon as possible' and 'urgent' when communicating with your team can put undue stress and pressure on your team members.

Also, long meetings reduce the concentration of participants and lead to stress. Therefore, it is possible to prevent accumulation of stress and loss of concentration by finishing the meeting 10 minutes earlier than planned or taking a short break between meetings.

When managing a team, it is also important to be conscious of the 85% rule and make it clear to the team that ``it's okay if you don't always go blank with stress''. In particular, he points out, 'Don't be the manager who sends you an email at 2 a.m. on Sunday, telling you not to work late nights or weekends.'

Regarding this 85% rule, writer Greg McKeown said, ``The 85% rule may seem counterintuitive, but it is important in modern times when burnout syndrome is prevalent.''

in Science, Posted by logu_ii