Employees turn out to be happier if "bosses who can do jobs of their employees" are also present


There is an English proverb that "People do not retire because they are" bad jobs ", they retire because of" bad bosses ", but the findings that support this are published," If the boss "If you have professional skills of work, the satisfaction of employees' work will rise."

Boss Competence and Worker Well-Being

If Your Boss Could Do Your Job, You're More Likely to Be Happy at Work

The standard of "good boss" is the work style and charisma, but the research team including Dr. Benjamin Alz of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Wisconsin said, "If your boss has technical skills (professional abilities) What impact does the employee have if there is a problem? " In other words, the company's boss focused on the expertise of the core business and how much expertise it has.

The research team measured the superior's ability in the following three ways.

· The supervisor of the workplace can do the work of his / her subordinates if necessary
· The supervisor at the workplace was a person who worked at the same company until being promoted
· Does the workplace supervisor have the level of technical ability to be evaluated as one of the workers

The research team conducted surveys of 35,000 workplaces in the United States and the UK using these three criteria. As a result, employees who are lead by bosses who are good at expertise such as "have high expertise in the main business of enterprises" have higher workplace satisfaction level than employees who do not have expertise It turned out that it was much higher. "Good managers do not need technical expertise", but in addition to "charisma", "ability to organize organizations", "ability to understand feelings of subordinates", "technical skills" It also shows that it is important.

In addition, even if employees 'long-term employees' boss changes, it is said that new bosses are technically competent, resulting in improved workplace satisfaction. Actually do not have doctor experienceGeneral managerIt is better for a doctor experienced boss to be a better hospital and the American basketball team has a better score for the team with the coach of the all-star game's former athletes.

ByMalcolm Craig

From previous research, it is known that employee retirement rate will decline as workplace satisfaction increases, and setting a "technically competent boss" will lead to a significant loss for the company "competent employment It is also possible to prevent the retirement of "members". In one study, we know that just a slight improvement in workplace satisfaction increases workplace productivity by 12%. Companies with many employees with high workplace satisfaction levels also show research results that the stock price will continue to rise in the future.

Happiness and Labor Productivity - 6MayOsProtoSgroi2012.pdf
(PDF file)http://www.andrewoswald.com/docs/6MayOsProtoSgroi2012.pdf

Does the stock market fully value intangibles? Employee satisfaction and equity prices - Rowe.pdf
(PDF file)http://faculty.london.edu/aedmans/Rowe.pdf

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