`` Forbid email exchange outside of work hours' 'is not always good for employees' mental health

Some people say that work and private should be separated, and that even work emails are not checked on holidays. However, research results have been announced that 'prohibiting contact by e-mail outside work hours may adversely affect the mental health of some employees .'
Personality differences as predictors of action-goal relationships in work-email activity: Sussex Research Online
A spot of after-hours business email does you good, apparently • The Register
In New York City, in 2018, a draft ordinance prohibiting the exchange of business email outside of working hours was submitted. In addition, the Liverpool City Council in the United Kingdom has established a rule that “Every week Wednesday prohibits business communication by email” because the city council officials are too much looking at smartphones.
Furthermore, in France, a law was passed in 2017 requiring companies with more than 50 employees to “make time for employees not to send or reply to work emails”. However, there were many objections to this law, such as 'I'm stuck with the work I have to do' and 'It's much more stressful to see the emails I got after work.'
The French WEDGE Infinity (wedge) is a pros and cons with the enactment of the 'Non-working Email Prohibition Law'
In a study conducted at the University of Sussex, at least 72 patterns such as `` delete '', `` mark as spam '', `` forward '', `` reply '', `` read through '' are enumerated as actions taken by people when managing work emails It is.
Also, according to the research team, when dealing with work emails, 'care about others' 'achieve work effectively' 'maintain happiness' 'manage their work' 4 There is a tendency to be aware of one goal. What kind of mail is returned in response to work e-mails depends on which of the four goals the individual gives priority and the personality of the individual.

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Prohibiting business email outside of working hours is a rule provided by companies as part of their benefits to prevent employees from being overstressed. “However, the prohibition of working email outside of working hours may not be welcomed by employees who tend to prioritize their work over their private life,” says Emma Russell, a psychologist at the University of Sussex. . He points out that depending on the personality and priority goals, stress may be accumulated by banning business emails.
Russell said, “To feel that you are managing your work properly, you need to respond to your work email in a way that matches your personality and goal priorities,” says Russell. The uniform ban on e-mails is not the perfect answer to improving benefits.
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