We ate the first thick rare cheese pancake 'blueberry rare cheese pancake' to eat with raw lemon squeezed in Eggs' n Things

The first pancake ' Blueberry Rare Cheese Pancake ' has been released since Friday, April 26th, 2019, at Eggs' n Things, a famous Hawaiian restaurant specializing in Doka-rich whipped cream pancakes. It's a refreshing dish of squeezing and eating lemon with a combination of thick rare cheese and blueberry, and I've been eating it at the shop.
The first pancake is a sweet, sweet blueberry! 'Blueberry Rare Cheese Pancake' April 26 (Fri)-May 31 (Fri), 2019 Limited Time Sale-Eggs' n Things [Official]
When we arrived at Eggs' n Things at 10:00 at 9:40, there were already 4 customers waiting for us.

'Blueberry rare cheese pancake' which becomes the first new pancake of this peace that this pancake appealed in the store becomes

You will be taken to the store at the same time as the store opens, and if you place an order ...

The blueberry rare cheese pancake arrived in about 10 minutes, possibly because it was not crowded yet.

Featuring heaps of whipped cream, which is a feature of Eggs' n Things, it's as tall as the 123.8 mm iPhone SE.
Next to the whipped cream is a four-tiered pancake.

It is a blueberry moist.

Specially made rare cheese cream and blueberries, crispy biscuits are sprinkled on the pancake and plenty of blueberry sauce is dripping.

The lemon with the pancake combination was also accompanied by an unusual lemon.

It's just a bite. Pancakes are as thin as 5 mm and have a dusty feeling, but they are light and soft as a whole. The sweetness of the dough itself is low, so you can feel the freshness and sweetness of blueberries.

Rare cheese cream has a smooth texture like cream cheese. It had a slight acidity and a refreshing smell like lemon matched with blueberries.

Each piece of fabric is light, but the overall volume is large because it is four-tiered. As fresh blueberries are added at the same time, and rich cream cheese is used abundantly, there is no problem at all to share with two people.

Crispy cookies are sprinkled and you can enjoy the change of texture.

There are many toppings, and the taste and texture change depending on where and how to eat, so there is no chance for getting bored, but it feels good to add mellowness even with a moist whipped cream.

The fresh lemon sour taste adds further clarity to the blueberry and thick, rare cheese pancake. Pancake × fresh lemon was the first combination, but because it was better than expected, it is worth trying.

In addition, blueberry rare cheese pancake is tax-limited 1480 yen, and offer until May 31 (Fri). It is sold at Eggs 'n Things nationwide, but is provided at' Eggs 'n Things LaLa Port Nagoya Minato aculus shop', 'Eggs' n Things Coffee Takasaki OPA shop ',' Eggs 'n Things Coffee Coffee Kashiwajima Station Mall shop' It is not.
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