A 15-year old boy becomes a macho superhero, 'Not too serious' hero movie 'Shazam!' The latest trailer released

The 15-year old boy said "Shazam ! " The latest trailer of the movie " Shazam! " Is transformed into a macho superhero who is the strongest guy on the ground with Superman by casting it " Shazam! " Boy Billy Battsson is Usher Angel from the Disney Channel, Shazam after the transformation is Zuckerie Levi, who played the leading character of the overseas drama " CHUCK / Chuck ".

SHAZAM! - Official Trailer 2 - Only In Theaters April 5 - YouTube

"Billy Battson, you were chosen ..."

A boy called Billy Batson, led to a voice and called to the basement.

"I will give my power by calling my name" Shazam "" said a mysterious person ......

Puri laughing out and returning "Are you serious?"

But then Billy went to the roof of the building.

Jump out of the building and shout "Shazam!" ... ...

Lightning strikes the chest.

It will fly through the sky at a tremendous speed without falling.

In this way the boy Billy is given the power of Shazam, to the figure of an adult man.

Friedy, my close friend, is excited to see how plasma is generated when bringing my hand close to Billy 's chest.

To the question "What super power do you have?"

Billy is a pill.

So ...

A test called "What kind of super power is in Shazam?"

If you hit on a bat thoroughly ......

The bat fell shattered.

When manipulating the lightning bolt by hand ... ...

To a situation where a lot of money comes out from ATM.

Movement at god speed not stopping in the eye ... ....

I'd like to buy a beer, but ...

You can buy "aichi" and place without any problems.

Two people who are excited about the super power I got.

One day, a person called "the villain" who does not take the police as a thing appears.

"Shazam of appearance with the pin as" You are a bad guy "......

I will try to attack the villain ... ...

On the contrary, I have been torn down altogether.

"We are doing the opposite of superhero 's actions absolutely!" And a tough tsukkin.

Shazam that starts to help people aiming for resuscitation. A woman who is likely to be hit by a car ... ...

Rescued with hyper speed.

Robbery ......

I will throw you outside the store.

Both "anything" and villain are fighting deadly.

"You, what is it" asked, "Basically 15 years old" and Shazam.

But sometimes super power is out of control.

The bus is punctured ......

It is about to fall from the road.

Shazam immediately arrived at the falling point of the bus at hyper speed.

It was a hero that I do not know well whether to catch a falling bus, whether people are involved in disaster or saving people.

In addition, "Shazam!" Will be released on April 19th (Friday).

Movie "Shazam!" Official Site

in Video,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log