Will the marketing company inadvertently disclose the shocking appearance of the live-action version 'Sonic the Movie'?

The movie ' Sonic the Movie' which made SEGA 's popular game character Sonic the Hedgehog real live, is scheduled to be released in November 2019 with the creation of Paramount Pictures Corporation . Even in March 2019, which has only 8 months to release, only the main character Sonic's silhouette has been released, so far Sonic the movie was almost enveloped in mystery. However, it is clear that marketing company Hamagami / Carroll posted various visuals of live-action version Sonic the movie on its website.
Here he is: Sonic the Hedgehog in full, live-action movie form - Polygon
New image of Sonic the Hedgehog discovered, possibly for the upcoming movie - Nintendo Everything
What had been published so far was the fact that the title of the live-action version movie will be "Sonic the Movie" and the following images which are the movie's Tizers Poster and Visual.
The Tizar poster of the Hollywood live-action movie "Sonic The Hedgehog", titled "Sonic the Hedgehog", was released.
- SEGA Official Account (@ SEGA_OFFICIAL) December 10, 2018
"Sonic the movie" will be released nationwide in November 2019, the timing of the release of Japan will be announced soon. Please look forward to the next report! # SonicMovie pic.twitter.com/qIeSZyO2bA
And the image below is an image of Sonic the movie that was posted on the website of Hamagami / Carroll. Speaking of the live action version Sonic's silhouette as revealed it may be so. Together, "I adopted a new contemporary element in the brand without damaging its essence", it seems that there was an explanation about the appearance of the new Sonic.

Hamagami / Carroll says, "It would be difficult to find a person who does not know SEGA's lovable IP Sonic the Hedgehog, but being a respected content all over the world pays a unique price To create licensing and packaging programs that are used throughout the world and can target multiple audience levels, they are faithful to Sonic's brand while appealing to viewers around the world We needed to differentiate ourselves from previous Sonic products. "" Our approach is to use Sonic, including Classic Sonic, Modern Sonic, Movie Sonic, Animation Sonic, and a variety of other IP, in a baseline package Versatility and modules to seamlessly integrate in appearance And it noted that there was to make the system "of, Ukagaemasu that you are responsible for creating promotional visual of Sonic the movies and Sonic the Hedgehog.
In addition, a slide "movie style guide" was also released.

Polygon of overseas game media wrote that "Sonic's gloves are not allowed to be furred."

In addition, the page that posted Hamagami / Carroll's Sonic the Movie related visual at the time of writing the article is not viewable.
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