The movie which compared the change of the 'global brand top 15' ranking after 2000 has become a popular boil

About top 15 global brand companies in the world, movies expressing changes in brand value during the period from 2000 to 2018 are collecting big topics on SNS such as Twitter. In the movie, while there are companies such as Toyota, Coca-Cola and McDonald's that continue to rank in for 18 years, the tendency of global brands such as Apple and Google that ranked in with Gungung momentum on the wave of IT It has become to be understood.
Crazy. Top 15 Global Brands Over The Last 19 Years! Via @ Interbrand
- Jack Kosakowski (@ JackKosakowski) February 21, 2019
A movie has been posted by many Twitter users, but based on the value ranking of corporate brands calculated by Interbrand , the world's largest branding company in the U.K., London. Interbrand positions the corporate brand as "a constantly changing business asset", and we are developing businesses that create and enhance brand value in various countries around the world.
Such Interbrand introduces a method called "Brand Valuation" which measures the brand by monetary value in measuring the value of a corporate brand, and Brand Valuation is recognized as a global standard. Companies that Interbrand considers as a global brand are truly global companies transcending geographical boundaries and cultural boundaries, "at least 30% of revenues are obtained from areas other than the home base", "Asia · It has a large presence in Europe, North America etc. It covers a lot of emerging markets "and" You have enough data on long-term financial performance available "must be satisfied.
Best Global Brands - Interbrand

Based on the brand value calculated by such Interbrand, this is the movie that ranked companies with "Global Brand Top 15 since 2000".
Top 15 Best Global Brands Ranking (2000-2018)
The top 15 global brand ranking in 2000, which is the start, is as follows. It is represented by a bar graph in descending order of brand value, and the numerical value on the right end of the bar graph represents the monetary value of the brand in units of 1 million dollars (about 110 million yen). The top brand value is Coca-Cola , the brand value is 72.537 billion dollars (about 8 trillion yen), the second place is Microsoft 70,1 96 million dollars (about 7,700 billion yen), and these two companies are head to head It is a missing impression. IBM is the third place, Intel is the fourth place, Nokia is the fifth place, and General Electric is the sixth place. Ford Motor of the automaker ranks in the 7th place, Walt Disney Company in the 8th place, McDonald's in the 9th place, AT & T of the telecom conglomerate in the 10th place. Toyota ranked in 15th with Tobacco brand Marlboro in rank 11, Mercedes-Benz 12th, Hewlett-Packard (HP) in 13th place, Cisco Systems Development of computer network equipment in 14th place.

When the graph started moving into 2001, Toyota ranked below 16th place, but megabank Citigroup ranked in. In the upper level, there is a movement that Nokia and General Electric switch the ranking. In the lower right "Top Growth Rate Ranking", companies such as Starbucks and Samsung Electronics can be confirmed.

Soon after Cisco Systems fell down, Toyota appeared in the top 15th place again.

In 2002, Toyota ranked 14th with one ranking. The top is still Coca-Cola, and the brand value is less than $ 70 billion (about 7,700 billion yen).

There was no change in the top 15 in 2002, and Toyota, Marlboro, Mercedes · Benz and others gradually raised the rankings.

In 2003, the American Express famous for credit cards entered the top 15. In exchange, AT & T is less than 16th place.

Soon again Coca-Cola's brand value surpassed the $ 70 billion mark.

In 2004, at the end of 2000 the Ford Motor, which had been in seventh place finally finished 15th.

Finally Gillette , a brand of razor, pulled out Ford and rose to 15th place. You can see the appearance of Apple in the growth rate ranking.

It will be like this in 2005. To the top three companies of Coca-Cola, Microsoft and IBM, General Electric is approaching, and Toyota is ranked ninth.

Even if it plunged into 2006, there is almost no change in the ranking. On the other hand, Google has appeared in the growth rate rankings.

At the end of 2006, BMW took over Gillette and appeared in the rankings.

In 2007, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, IBM and General Electric form the top group, from which Nokia, Toyota and Intel line up nearly $ 20 billion.

Gillett returned to the top 15 in 2008 and I think Marlboro has fallen ... ...

Google entered the top 15 at once. I will pull Gillette 15th at a stretch.

As Gangung ranked up as it is, it rushed to 10th place when entering in 2009. In the top tier, IBM surpassed Microsoft and ranked second.

Louis Vuitton will enter the top 15 rankings during 2009 ....

Cisco Systems immediately replies back.

Google surpassed Toyota in 2009 and surfaced to seventh place ... ...

It rose to 5th place at a stroke in 2010.

In 2011, I surpassed General Electric and ranked 4th. In the growth rate ranking, Amazon, a leading online shopping company, has appeared.

Finally Apple will appear in the top 15 ranking.

Apple has raised its ranking with Switzerland and quickly got up to eighth place.

While IBM is approaching just behind Coca-Cola, which has been maintaining the lead in 2012, Google is also likely to overtake Microsoft. Apple also rose to 6th place and looking at General Electric, Samsung Electronics, which was a regular in the growth rate ranking in 15th place, came out.

And finally Google and Apple became the third and fourth place brand companies in the world, Microsoft and General Electric retreated to fifth and sixth respectively respectively. On the other hand, Samsung Electronics also ranked ninth with a rapid rise in rankings. I wonder if Google and Apple are going to press Coca-Cola and IBM while sharpening this pace ... ...

Apple rushes up rankings with unbelievable momentum. On the other hand Facebook is on the growth rate ranking.

Apple pulled out Coca-Cola as it was and became the top brand value. Coca-Cola's top global brand position has fallen for more than 10 years.

In 2013, Google will also be ranked second in brand value, with Apple and Google ranked first and second in the world.

In 2014 Apple brand value surpassed 100 billion dollars (about 11 trillion yen), and Amazon online shopping major appeared in 15th place.

In 2015, Google also exceeded the 100 billion dollar mark. Despite the fact that the total brand value of other companies has grown steadily, the momentum of the top two companies is too great and it seems that they are hardly growing like a bar graph. Toyota, which has steadily grown steadily, has emerged to 6th place in the world.

In 2016, Amazon steadily ranked up to the world ranking number eight, Apple's brand value exceeded $ 170 billion (about 18.7 trillion yen).

Finally, Facebook ranked first in the growth rate rankings showed up in the brand value ranking.

Facebook rushed up the rankings in a blink of an eye in a blink of an eye, and in 2018 it rose to brand value eighth. Amazon is fifth in the world.

In 2018 Apple brand value surpassed 200 billion dollars (about 22 trillion yen), the top 3 of a new era such as Apple, Google, Amazon came into being. Ultimately, the ranking is ranked 1st in Apple, 2nd in Google, 3rd in Amazon, 4th in Microsoft, 5th in Coca-Cola, 6th in Samsung Electronics, 7th in Toyota, 8th in Mercedes-Benz, 9th in Facebook, 10th in McDonald's , 11th place Intel, 12th place IBM, 13th place BMW, 14th place Disney, 15th place Cisco Systems.

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