At last iOS 13 dark mode appears in the iPhone, may be able to dramatically reduce battery consumption

It has become clear that by bringing the UI of the smartphone into the dark mode based on black, battery possession can be dramatically improved. Especially smartphones, which are concerned about battery reduction, are waiting for battery-friendly dark mode to appear, but even though individual applications adopt dark mode, even though Android and iOS are one button to make the whole system We have not adopted a dark mode that changes to black tone. However, according to the latest information, it seems that at the end iOS 13 which is scheduled to appear in 2019, dark mode will be finally installed officially at last.
New Iphone, Ipad in 2019 and 2020: What to Expect from Apple - Bloomberg
iOS 13 will reportedly include a dark mode and new iPad home screen - The Verge
According to information obtained from sources, Bloomberg said Apple is considering introducing dark mode at iOS 13 scheduled to be released in late 2019. According to sources, Apple seems to be introducing dark mode to "make it easy to watch at night." In recent years, various applications independently added dark mode, and in June 2018 the dark mode was added to macOS as well.
"MacOS Mojave" announced, dark mode appeared in UI, enhanced security function, planning cross-platform with iOS application development - GIGAZINE

On smart phones, especially terminals adopting OLED (organic EL display), it is possible to dramatically improve battery consumption by using dark mode, and iPhone X uses about 60% of battery consumption by using dark mode It is possible to suppress. You can easily understand how to reduce the battery consumption of the smartphone by setting the dark mode by reading the following article.
Google understands that if you set your smartphone UI to black "Dark Mode", battery ownership will be dramatically improved - GIGAZINE

The dark mode will not be the only new feature in iOS 13. Other new functions expected on iOS 13 are reported to be planned for a new home screen for iPad and improvement of CarPlay. Overseas media The Verge also said he has heard of a rumor that a new home screen for the iPad is being developed, which was originally planned to be introduced in iOS 12 that was announced in 2018 , But it seems to have delayed the introduction to improve iOS reliability and performance .
Although details on the new home screen for the iPad are not clarified at the time of article creation, iOS 13 is also rumored that a tab interface for improving the application and file management appears and it will be designed accordingly It is said that it is.
Apple is also rumored to integrate magazine subscription services and original movie content into the new iOS 13. In the first quarter report of 2019, Apple has dropped iPhone sales by 15% compared to the previous year, but at the same time, as sales of service business are growing rapidly, improvements to focus on service business will be improved by iOS 13 It is not surprising if it is added to.
iPhone sales down 15%, Apple announced first quarter results in 2019 - GIGAZINE

Since Apple announces the next iOS in the WWDC held in June every year, it should be clear whether or not the dark mode will be installed there.
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