Mockup appearance understanding UI of new browser application 'Fenix' apart from Firefox developed by Mozilla

Mozilla developing Browser Firefox is developing a new browser application " Fenix " different from Firefox for Android (Firefox for Android). A screenshot showing the UI of that Fenix is released.
Create Fenix Session prototype for evaluative user research · Issue # 125 · mozilla-mobile / fenix · GitHub
Die ersten Bilder von Mozillas neuem Fenix-Browser
Firefox Fenix for Android mockups - gHacks Tech News
The reason why the development of Firefox for Android is not very active recently has been thought that Mozilla is developing a new browser application "Fenix". Meanwhile, German developer Soren Hentzschel, who helps Mozilla's development, released an excerpt from the GitHub page , with a mockup screenshot underway in Fenix '
This is Fenix's mockup. The point that stands out at a glance is the browser toolbar with the address bar and menu icon at the bottom of the screen.

The menu lists "Help" "Setting" "Library (bookmark)" "PC version display" "Page search" "Private tab" "New tab". Hentzschel gives an impression, "It is as odorless as Firefox for Android's menu, modern and clean."

"Home" screen accessible from the upper right of the screen. There is a field with search and address entry integrated, and recent sessions are also displayed.

When the Fenix application is closed, the tabs are automatically organized as a session, and it is said that the system is easy for users to re-access at the next startup.

When you tap the search field, history and search suggestions are also displayed. In addition, shortcut buttons such as clipboard and QR code reader for pasting URL are also available.

According to gHacks Tech News Fenix is based on Android Components and GeckoView developed by Mozilla, not the Android's WevView. Mozilla does not officially talk about Fenix 's product release timing, and its separation with Firefox for Android.
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