McDonald's popularity No. 1 has been eaten because it has been upgraded to exciting 'Heida Daibuchi' 'Heieie Teriyaki'

"Double cheeseburger" that gained No.1 in the McDonald's general election held in 2017 and a hot-taste " Spicy double cheeseburger " which added spicy sauce to "Teriyaki Mac Burger" which was the first sales amount in 2017 (Heida Daibuchi) "and" Spicy Teriyaki Macburger (Heie Tariyaki) "appeared on Wednesday, January 16, 2018 for a limited time. Because I was wondering what kind of taste it is when it adds exciting flavor to popular classic menu, I actually tried going to eat.
No.1 will be decided by you! Duration limited 1/16 (Wed) start heheidabuchi vs Hee hee Teriyaki
I came to McDonald's.

In addition to "Chiuchidabuchi" and "Teachi Teriyaki " which started on January 4, 2019, "Heiheidabuchi" and "Hehyie Tarigyaki" were also appealing at stores.

Arrived in about 5 minutes after ordering. Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee

Hehee Teriyaki is like this. You can see the red sauce protruding from beneath the patties painted with teriyaki sauce.

Even if you align it with the Teriyaki Mac Burger (right) of the regular menu, there is no particular change in size.

Under the patties there were plenty of orange spicy sauce.

At first I thought that the sweet taste of a rich thick cuckoo sauce spread all over the mouth and I thought that it was "not too hot", but after a while the spicyness that stimulates the tongue comes and comes . Before eating, I thought that the spicy sauce was mild due to the sweetness of the Teriyaki sauce, but when I try to eat it actually, the stimulus stands out in an opposite impression, "If you are a poor person, it is a little tough There was also opinion that there might be things ".

Next time I will eat Heida Da Butchi . A red spicy sauce protrudes from Patti.

Size is almost the same as the regular double cheeseburger (right).

When turning over the burger, spicy sauce was painted under the second patty.

Once you eat it, you can feel a bitter spicy in the back of the rich taste of cheese, meat and ketchup. However, there are two patties and there are also plenty of cheese sandwiched between them, so I felt that spicyness was suppressed considerably rather than Heieie Teriyaki. Ali may be a person who thinks that stimulation is insufficient with usual double cheese burger.

Heheidabuchi and Heieie Teriyaki are separately delivered at 390 yen including tax, 690 yen including tax with value set and will be offered at McDonald 's nationwide store from Wednesday, January 16, 2019 to the end of January.
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in Tasting, Posted by log1i_yk