The Nobel laureate scholar who discovered the double helix structure of DNA is deprived of status by racial discrimination remarks

James Watson, who discovered the double helix structure of DNA and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine in 1962, said that "the average IQ of genetically blacks and white people is different" Due to discrimination remarks, I was devastated the honorary title of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory .

Lab Severs Ties With James Watson, Citing 'Unsubstantiated and Reckless' Remarks - The New York Times

James Watson, Co-Discoverer of DNA Structure, Stripped of Honors Over Racist Statements

James Watson who discovered the DNA double helix structure in the 1950s interviewed in PBS's documentary program " American Masters: Decoding Watson " broadcasted on January 2, 2019, "Natural selection There is a difference in the average IQ between black and white due to genetic differences evolved by Mr. Kim, "and this criticism is gathered as this remark is racial discrimination without scientific grounds. According to the paper (PDF) published in the academic journal Personality and Individual Differences (PDF) in 2016, it is shown that the idea that "the difference in average IQ (by race) can be explained by genetics" is wrong It has been.

According to the science media Live Science , this is not the first time that Mr. Watson made racial remarks. In 2007, he said that "Negro is less intelligent than Caucasian," he had been deprived of the position at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, which had served as a director for over 25 years.

Mr. Watson apologized later that it was a comment that scientific basis was nothing about the remarks of 2007. However, in the latest interview, Mr. Watson once again has racist comments. In response, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories "clearly rejects Mr. Watson's reckless personal opinion that is scientifically unfounded," the institute has a different view from Mr. Watson It clearly showed that there is. In addition, he criticized Mr. Watson's "act of misusing science to justify prejudice" and announced that it would take away the honorary title given by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Statement by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory addressing remarks by Dr. James D. Watson in "American Masters: Decoding Watson" - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

The trailer movie of the documentary program "American Masters: Decoding Watson" which became problematic has been released and can be checked from the following.

Decoding Watson Preview | American Masters | PBS - YouTube

in Science,   Video, Posted by logu_ii