Researchers will announce that they can break through reCAPTCHA using Google's speech recognition

There are a lot of irritated people who have been given trouble to CAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA to enter to prove that they are not bots. Researchers at the University of Maryland College Park have announced a new method " unCaptcha v2 " that can break through this reCAPTCHA using Google's Speech-to-Text . It seems that the probability of using unCaptcha v2 to trick reCAPTCHA is about 90%.

unCaptcha: A Low-Resource Defeat of reCaptchaâ € ™ s Audio Challenge

Researchers Fool ReCAPTCHA with Google's Own Speech-To-Text Service - Motherboard

The method that the researcher announced said to download audio CAPTCHA, divide it into individual audio clips, upload this clip to multiple Speech-to-Text (transcription service) including Google and restore it to its original state thing. UnCaptcha tried several homonyms after trying it with guesses, then put the answer closest to the correct answer and enter the answer in the input field of CAPTCHA. Experiments were conducted on a web site that actually used reCaptcha, where the correct answer rate of this method was 85.15%, and the time taken to get the correct answer was 5.42 seconds on average.

Although the above research was done in 2017, after researchers' announcement, Google fixed some loopholes that made unCaptcha possible, such as improving the performance of automatic detection of browsers. However, researchers updated unCaptcha by further research. We unveiled "unCaptcha v2" that improves accuracy to 90% more than before, in a way to surpass Google.

Researchers have contacted Google's ReCaptcha team over the past six months, and Google should have noticed a new method, but it does not seem to care. Despite the success at the present time, the team allowed us to release the code, "the researcher says.

The code of unCaptcha v2 is published below.

GitHub - ecthros / uncaptcha 2: defeating the latest version of ReCaptcha with 91% accuracy

in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log