'Optician Sans' which reconstructs fonts used for visual acuity test into free usable fonts

Eyeglass technician Øyvind Krogh and colleagues have rebuilt and released the font which is used by ophthalmologists around the world as a free font " Optician Sans " which can be used free of charge.
Optician Sans - Free font based on historical optotypes
"Optician Sans" can be downloaded free of charge by clicking "DOWNLOAD FOR FREE" on the official website.

You can install Optician Sans on your PC by right-clicking the file "Optician-Sans.otf" in the downloaded folder and selecting "Install".

I can understand what kind of font "Optician Sans" is font by seeing the following movie.
Optician Sans - new free font - YouTube
People wearing a tool with countless lenses lined up ... ...

After that, the monitor is displayed. Apparently she seems to be doing visual acuity test.

Mr. Øyvind Krogh, a spectacle technologist, inventor of Optician Sans

Ophthalmologists and spectacle technicians continue to look at the alphabet used for visual acuity tests over and over again to measure vision. Mr. Krogh has been watching the fonts of the eyesight test table till millions of times, but not all the alphabets are lined up here, but the chosen ten kinds of letters are arranged It seems that there is only one.

That is 10 characters below.

Fonts used for visual acuity testing are " Snellen chart " invented by Herman Snellen in 1862 and " Sloan letters " created by spectacle technician Kay Louise Sloane in 1959. The Snellen chart is made on a 5 × 5 square grid and Sloan letters are also made in principle based on this. This Sloan letters are mainly used in modern visual acuity test, but fonts other than the 10 character " C / D / H / K / N / O / R / D / V / Z " do not exist .

Therefore, a project to create alphabets and glyphs other than 10 characters at once, started over 10 years ago.

And then it was Optician Sans.

"Optician Sans" can be freely used on website, printed matter, startup, organization. However, the distribution and sale of Optician Sans is prohibited.
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