Digital collection of the Berlin State Library, full of public domain images

A website is available online that provides high-quality digitized copies of books, manuscripts, and other media held by the Berlin State Library. I took a peek at this site, which contains old collections of books from Japan and other East Asian countries, as well as copies of manuscripts by famous composers such as Beethoven.

Digital Collections of Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin: Frontpage

The top page of the digital collection looks something like this. In addition to the search window, there is also an item 'Entdecken (Explore)' that randomly displays the genre of the collection. The default language is German, and you can switch between German and English from DE / EN on the upper right.

Since there was an item of 'Ostasiatica (East Asia)' in Explore, I will click it.

Among the titles that included the words 'China' and 'Indie,' I saw the word 'Matsudaira Sadanobu,' so I clicked on it.

A viewer was displayed. It supports enlargement, page turning, downloading as a PDF file, etc.

When I turned the page, it was displayed sideways. It's hard to see as it is, so click the tool icon and click 'turn 90 ° yo yhe right'.

Now it's easier to see.

Click the information icon to see information about the book. You can check details such as the year of publication.

From the top page, it is possible to search by theme such as 'Superstition / Mystic philosophy' and 'Archeology'.

You can also search by type, such as 'manuscripts', 'maps', and 'scores'.

You can easily view the data held by the Berlin State Library, such as Beethoven's sheet music, online.

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by log1p_kr