By “associating” the memories, you can remember the whole event with a little bit of a mess

Important information such as birthdays and phone numbers of important people is stored in the brain for a long time, but in order to remember it for a long time so as not to forget, it is necessary to strengthen the memory by remembering regularly. not. A researcher

at the University of California, Davis, has published a study result: “Information is associated and remembered episodicly, and remembering the little things enhances the associated memory at the same time.”

Neural reactivation in parietal cortex enhances memory for episodically linked information | PNAS

Recalling memories in context

It is said that people can reinforce their memories by remembering, but the neural and cognitive mechanisms of memory enhancement have not yet been elucidated. One hypothesis is that 'information is associated with context in the brain'.

The process of human memory is `` memorization (encoding) '' that captures information and converts it into stored information, `` retention (storage) '' that forms a cranial nerve network to retain stored information, and `` recollection '' that retrieves information again (Search) 'is the basic three steps. Researchers at the University of California, Davis have conducted two experiments to confirm that memory is strengthened by “recall”.

In the first experiment, the subjects were divided into two groups, and the subjects learned a pair of “sight” and “thing” as shown in the image below. It reminded me of things. However, in one group, it was done only once, and in the other group, it was done three times. It turned out that the group remembered three times had better memory than the group remembered once.

The team then conducted an experiment to monitor brain activity using functional nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while reminding subjects to remember their memories. Then, when recalling memory , it was found that the neural network was activated in the parietal region related to episodic memory in the human brain.

For this reason, the research team argues that human beings create an “episode-like context” by associating memory information, and searching and enhancing memory based on this context. The research team also believes that elucidating these memory mechanisms can help improve learning and cognitive abilities and enhance memory in patients with amnesia.

in Science, Posted by log1i_yk