Headline news on 23rd October 2018

" Koala's March " new products "Koala's March of the mystery" will be released on October 30, 2018. What taste is hidden by the Kaito Koala, you can understand the identity by clearing the special website "October 30 Open Challenge from Kaito Koala ".
By the way, I posted such an article on the same day of the same month in the past.
Approach mathematical genius who made pitch correction software "Auto-Tune" indispensable to modern recording site - GIGAZINE
Anyone can easily cook Japanese paste using a paste seasoning "Niruti" - GIGAZINE
The fact that 9 million people die annually due to global environmental pollution - GIGAZINE
What is the reason why high school girls in Kenya could develop applications from excellent ideas? - GIGAZINE
"Vacuum cleaner industry is second Volkswagen" and Dyson complains of illegal competitors / Bosch and Siemens - GIGAZINE
What is the strategy the SNS "Pinterest" tackled to acquire users - GIGAZINE
"Theater version of the sky boundary future gospel" Kenichi Suzumura, Yutokuta Sudo & Aochi Emotional Stage Greeting - GIGAZINE
◆ Story (Memo · Others)
I wanted to tweet a former curry with a bad character, so I got together with my ex-girlfriend and took a pre-claque pic.twitter.com/u8RRrJJGah
- YO - KO (@ FRIENDS_NY 3) October 22, 2018
Working and noticing that I was lying next to mistake as a mouse ʬʬʬʬʬʬʬʬʬʬ pic.twitter.com / cJ 4 D 8 mL SdN
- Momo (@ shiro_white 076) October 22, 2018
In the order that I want to make a cute character CM, I made a character of a cute face skeleton sign, but a report saying that the tea room was frozen is also confused.
- Ryo Fujii (@ ryofujii 2000) October 22, 2018
It's cute ... right? Happy birthday pic.twitter.com/4GMgtBaQwY
Vector should not be accepted though it should be together Blue oden pic.twitter.com/cGVUk7GJuD
- Misdeed Blue Otori-boiled (@ kyooochang) October 22, 2018
The rubber band which stopped the material blew away, and I went somewhere ~! I was looking for, but the cat noticed that he was watching over this time with his face saying "I'm sorry, something flew away", but I was smiling all the time for about 5 minutes at pic.twitter.com/zUp3XImwEN
- Yakudon (@ yakiudon99) October 22, 2018
With sewage drainage sushi management Warota wwww pic.twitter.com/covWx5krfC
- Akatsuki-kun (@ TwiGentle) October 21, 2018
Such a laugh absolutely yo pic.twitter.com/agU81qyI 57
- ね っ と (@ tyleol 1108fc) 21st October 2018
Although it is a character of Susirow but I thought that it was a kawaii, there was a parent bird hugging my child in her changed form pic.twitter.com/7zOhxHcxRw
- Inu (@ mongoosedesu) October 21, 2018
◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
A nuclear power research set for children released in 1950. Radioactive uranium is contained in it and you can experience fission. It was later certified as the most dangerous toy in the world, but it seems that it stopped selling at the time of sale at the time of sale because it sold only 5000 units. pic.twitter.com/tclPQOYlR 8
- Emine Jurmaz (JACK) (@ yurumazu) October 22, 2018
Kyoto University: Elucidation of the mechanism of hereditary breast cancer ovarian cancer onset - Mainichi Newspaper
A life sustainable amount of oxygen on Mars, dissolved in underground salt water 1 photo International News: AFPBB News
Da Vinci, strabismus contributes to talent 3 papers photographs in medical journal International news: AFPBB News
◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
To end the ODA to China Question of assistance to major powers Will continue to be "equal" | NHK News
To end the ODA to China 3 trillion yen in 40 years, to support modernization: Asahi Shimbun Digital
A man drafted by Aomori's accident: "Asahi Shimbun Digital
Straw suddenly holds a half share of 'bad guys' company doubts: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Aso money finance minister, questioning expenditure for inpatient patients | Kyodo News - This kiji is
I will check the entrance genuineness, I will confirm the nursery school "defeat aim" under the ranking: Asahi Shimbun Digital
The bullying commission committee, materials are "black painted 60 pages", "city dishonest correspondence" driven by the bereaved families trial - lawyer dot com
In addition, the bereaved family claims that it was in "secondary damage" that it can be hurt by severe words from the section chief of the municipal board of education. When the bereaved families urged them to explain and explain the truth, the chief of education planning at the time said, "Others are said to be annoying" and "other students also have human rights" He said that he struck the material on the desk or shouted at him.
Liberal Democratic Party · Mr. Takeshita "Consumption tax 10% not stopped": Asahi Shimbun Digital
Mass disciplinary request: a woman who agreed "I was in a state of brainwashing" - Mainichi Newspapers
Mass disciplinary request: An order to compensate a defamatory certified man to a lawyer in Japan - Mainichi Newspaper
Gift certificate payment, use of number card = target for cost reduction and institution dissemination - Proposal for measures to raise consumption tax: Current affairs dot com
"Control system, cut by myself" driver stated Taiwan derailment: Asahi Shimbun Digital
The same IP address caused by TSE, system failure Report: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Yamaguchi no Michi station side 2 hundred million yen Tondabayashi getaway Osaka prefectural police: Asahi Shimbun Digital
In the background "China production 2025" ── Xi Jinping by the people of to-day emotional control | World | Latest Articles | Newsweek Japan version of the official site
Homeroom teacher of special support class, insult to 4 students Middle school apology in Kyoto: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Osaka Sayama City: Mayor 's wife, at the celebrating autumn festival venue - Mainichi Newspaper
Driving at the capital high at 190 km Suspected from the LINE image Discovery: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Establishment of "organizational punishment", bereaved families wishing for signature of 10,000 people: Asahi Shimbun Digital
US midterm election 2018: Mr. Trump 's television station FOX rally live broadcast, canceled high viewing rate not expected - Mainichi Newspaper
Aomori 4 people died: victims drunk and slander on the Internet prefectural police denied - Mainichi Newspaper
QP: A container with contents of mayonnaise running down easily - Mainichi Shimbun
Employment of persons with disabilities: resentment on "no intentions" problem with padding problem "disability verification is superficial" - Mainichi Newspaper
Saudi reporters killing cases into the upheaval of US and British politics: Nikkei Business Online
Including persons with disabilities, extravagant civil servant employment taking over in various places: Asahi Shimbun Digital
The Saudi Risk held by Chairman Son at 10 trillion yen fund: Nikkei Business Online
Bank of Japan "Not a superman" = Former president Shirakawa first meeting: Current affairs dot com
Sagrada Familia sold "illegal architecture" money 4.7 billion yen: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Released 61 years ago Released the first copy machine in Japan | NHK News
◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Customer "Hey, do not put the eggs under the bags, I guess it will be cracked" Clerk "The person who entered below is hard to break ..." Which is right? → Various opinions are raised - Togetter
This is what I came out when ordering salmon sashimi in a well-prone pub.
- Me, Shima enaga. (@ daily_simaenaga) October 22, 2018
The generals said "We arranged 5 cute birds" I just wanted to eat saury. . . pic.twitter.com/WH8QXStiSu
I am in trouble customer! ! ! ! ! !
- Tamashi Tom Taro @ Pickup City (@ GECKO_LEOPA) October 21, 2018
There is rice underneath! ! ! ! ! ! #piccoloZOO pic.twitter.com/9YaNnq7Roz
It was also overwhelmed by the scaffolding (extra height 100 M) bridged for the repair work of the extra pic.twitter.com/gpbkLcVhBL
- ko-ga (@ koooog 1121) October 22, 2018
melon! melon! ∧ (* θ *) (* θ *) ∧ pic.twitter.com/4TVdlAF8 Wq
- duck ㌠ テ ケ & チ ハ (@ Kamo_centime) October 22, 2018
Maruo It became huge as it became a shale in three months and grass pic.twitter.com/ZRtQkCPbAP
- Crime Commitire 126 【Z01b】 (@ e2hs_) October 22, 2018
Cream of Lawson's roll cake, please freeze it and cut it and put it in coffee, you! pic.twitter.com/oqJMBTWwdK
- Maruboshi Apita Nagoya South Terminal (Seijin Yogoreaka) (@ 054758373) October 22, 2018
- ns (@ ns 445745) October 21, 2018
Annual income required for a girl's opponent Including a face photo ... ... courageous to expose your face ('· ω · `) pic.twitter.com/WXMVHCJ0rg
- Take (@serotape_take) October 23, 2018
A drawer designed with a bag-like style is wonderful. It is also nice that the design of the handle of the drawer is all different. pic.twitter.com/5 FdCtODI 9 x
- Green Pepper (@ r 2 d 2 c 3 poacco) October 22, 2018
Shinto shrine of the Shinto deities of Kagoshima in rumors at the glass torii.
- Kureha (@ 908 kureha) October 21, 2018
It is fine even during the day, but in the evening you can smoke the light of the sky and emerge. # Shintoku Inari shrine pic.twitter.com/wlMWL7Dc0U
I went to Suica penguin 's sweets buffet. very cute. pic.twitter.com/acQdeI2VCw
- nooooo (@ nooooo00000) October 21, 2018
Psychiatrist warns "magical spells to depress subordinates" and "spells of recovery to revive subordinates" seems to be effective - Togetter
Why does Russian "Yankee" prejudice the adidas track suit? → There was a Moscow Olympic Games ... There was an episode that feels the melancholy of the Soviet era - Togetter
Academic discrepancy due to child's family background is deep - thinking from the result of follow-up survey of academic ability / Nakanishi Keiki / Educational sociology | SYNODOS - Synodos -
◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Start selling the net from the lottery tomorrow tomorrow | NHK News
Because of the continuing declining trend of sales around the lottery which part of profit is the income of prefectures etc., the municipalities of the sale origin have been dealing with the lottery dealt with at the department of each place from 24th We will also start selling on the Internet.
When Mr. Chida wrote "it is on fire", was the wild kidney "flames up"? - Look at various data
Continuing 5555 / TCP Port Attack Communication and ADB Enabled Vulnerable Android Emulator
C language is difficult for stupid ~ opportunity loss of programming ~
I use Mercari and BASE too! Image conversion services ImageFlux introduces the charm and new functions! ImageFlux meetup # 2 Report (Part 1) | Sakura Knowledge
You still do not know the greatness of Samurai Engineer Juku
Yahoo, Android smartphone login on Web browser supports biometric authentication such as fingerprint authentication - Press room - Yahoo Japan Corporation
GourNavi launches an online reservation service for restaurants at "Reservation with Google" | GourNavi
◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Mukku ............! pic.twitter.com/PqMKpMLZzR
- Muku (@ muku_ jirushi) October 22, 2018
A child of a demon and a child. pic.twitter.com/Zbe 5 g Ab 3 Ei
- Tomomi Satoshi Versus Earth sequel update (@ burning blossom) October 22, 2018
"TRPG has become a considerably deep trauma"
- Sui / 27th Saka Hello participation schedule (@sui_blue) October 22, 2018
I think that the place I entered for the first time and the situation and environment were not good. Try to be friendly to the beginner as possible, please do not leave it. #TRPG pic.twitter.com/ZYwWNxhebZ
"A story where TRPG has become a considerably deep trauma" ②
- Sui / 27th Saka Hello participation schedule (@sui_blue) October 22, 2018
Among many opinions, I have the impression that it divided depending on whether the novice purchase Rurubu or not.
At least it was such a situation of myself and its surroundings at the time, and it is not a story that did not dislike it unless you wanted to do a lifetime. #TRPG pic.twitter.com/qRBwcrO4hT
"TRPG has become a considerably deep trauma" ③
- Sui / 27th Saka Hello participation schedule (@sui_blue) October 23, 2018
That case and this case are memories that happened inside of me. I played with a game made by friends who were used to TRPG, at the time I was tough to learn the terms I wanted to follow around.
It is here that I watched the flow from introduction to the end by shaking the dice #TRPG pic.twitter.com/FofUPVKEbc
"TRPG has become a considerably deep trauma" ④
- Sui / 27th Saka Hello participation schedule (@sui_blue) October 23, 2018
This will be the last.
Time was flowing while holding trauma more than five years ago, and it became possible to move with a short term table for a while before this.
It was a pros and cons for this case, but I'd appreciate it if I can become one of the reference for TRPG teachers and teachers from now on. #TRPG pic.twitter.com/2 XBElIumGK
- Shoes (@ ktwfc) October 22, 2018
Precure after 70 years pic.twitter.com/ucBoaNdsE0
- Yoichi Yokoyama (@ yokoyama_ bancho) October 22, 2018
An accompanying pic.twitter.com/D3nLj04RLv
- Avocado 6 (@ avogado 6) October 22, 2018
Male punishment pic.twitter.com/kNu4GkkcGn
- あ る る P @ あ ん だ ろ め だ 【MIYA.M】 (@ ARURU 0209) October 19, 2018
I told a geek woman, "I went to Sylvania Park last time was fun so much ~", but I was too poor to explain and this is the human size that has been heard over and over as "This is how much this scale?" ! ! pic.twitter.com/BknQbVgQko
- Ao-Yagi Mihoko (@ ao8l22) October 22, 2018
Where I tried reflexes whole 1 ()
- Mita Tama (@um_monst) October 22, 2018
Early Baba Burn of Monst kills the record when giving up an early time,
When giving a possible time, it is confirmed by the specification that screws the mysterious cherry to the top
I thought that 300 million yen of the official live broadcast would not give me a fake item. pic.twitter.com/afcNGuymPv
My friend gave me a ha ha ha ha ha 3 seconds and I said yakiniku from yesterday but I did not list the rankings and kept bamboo ????
- AVG ???? PENGERION ???? (@ pengerion) October 22, 2018
This superior team Sakura Yarou www # spreading request # is a hijobaboo # monst # orbaba # early Babbahan # yabababan pic.twitter.com/zHK1QoB9nz
I also drew responsibility with those who did a wrong typing. pic.twitter.com/Pj6dddPev1
- Rodent (@ nice_tooth) October 21, 2018
My girlfriend is a futon system girl. ④ pic.twitter.com/xH97PHhw8i
- 埜 生 (や お) (@ nanashi_lie) 22nd October 2018
Ghost of an accident property pic.twitter.com/sfvX4FCciY
- Yukari Mikura (Yume Mitsuki) (@ yayoiyume) October 22, 2018
"Marvel's Spider-Man" Additional DLC 1st "Introduction of Black Cat" Trailer - YouTube
【God development】 Verify by shooting PUBG frying pan with a real pistol! ! ! - YouTube
To the future waiting for you 【Trailer】 - YouTube
[Soka City system 60th anniversary commemorative animation] Born in Soka city, Sota (who is) currently living in Tokyo is the main character. This title will be released on YouTube after the first screening at the commemorative ceremony held on November 11, 2018!
Picture diary of elementary school teacher Ms. Suzue Miuchi that was exhibited at the auction, the person himself said "a fake imitation at all" Tweet - Togetter
Dentsu establishes a framework to produce animated video content that enhances the appeal of brands in collaboration with leading animation studios - News Release List - News - Dentsu
The baggage that should have been shipped to the doujin circle venue does not arrive but the transport company admits the mistake but there is no compensation ... the remedy you want to know - Togetter
On November 9 (Friday), Nintendo Switch software "Guide of Zelda: Blesses of the Wild ~ Adventure Guide Book ~ (6,980 yen tax)" will be released with guidebook packed with knowledge useful for adventure. You can purchase "Adventure Guidebook only (540 yen including tax)" at My Nintendo Store. pic.twitter.com/lTaAvdXont
- The Legend of Zelda (@ ZeldaOfficialJP) October 23, 2018
Lilia's Breasty :: Colorful Pieces of Game
About 30 years ago when I made "Ys Ⅰ · Ⅱ", there was a man named Mitsuda on the team as a part of Hudson's art.
He was mainly trying to paint visuals on Yamane, trying hard, dotting, making animation, packing the characters.
It was connected to him with facebook from a few years ago, but it reminded me that it was my birthday today, "Lilia's milk shaking".
◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Actor Kate Blanchett, "Homosexuals also have the right to play homosexuals" - BBC News
Princess Ekiden "Iida Rei Scratched Princess" The picture of the moment of falling! - YouTube
Girls' Ekiden: Fractures also Continue Competition Business Union Association, To Revise Contact Method - Mainichi Shimbun
Iwatani coach coach Hirose Eiwa who had known the accident requested abstention, but when he got to the referee the referee did not stop the referee because it was about 20 meters to the relay station. Iida finally reached the relay station over 5 minutes after collapsing. After that, it was diagnosed as three to four months of whole Ji.
◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
Winter only new genre "Clear Asahi Clear Red" New release on November 20 (Tue)!
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in Headline, Posted by logc_nt