What happens to the world if all of us suddenly disappear from the earth?

by Quinn Dombrowski
As of 2018, the total population of people living on Earth is said to exceed 7.5 billion people. There are human beings all over the world, but a movie that explains the question "What happens if all the human race disappears suddenly from the earth?" Is published on YouTube.
What would happen if every human suddenly disappeared? - Dan Kwartler
Humans exist everywhere on the earth ... ...

It is inhabited not only in the town but also in harsh environments such as in the jungle, on the sea, on the mountain and tundra.

Human activities have great influence on the earth ... ...

Researchers say that "human beings have left permanent traces in the geology of the earth."

What if such a human suddenly disappeared from the earth? This movie explained what it means. Not only snowy mountain and jungle ......

Suppose that the figure disappears at once in the town and in the house.

Then, no one will do maintenance for maintaining facilities for human use. Under such conditions, it is said that buildings made by humans are immediately affected.

For example, after several hours of human loss, equipment that refines oil will cause malfunction.

It seems that oil plants in western India and southern United States are believed to continue to burn for a month.

Subway facilities such as London, Moscow, New York ... ...

Because the drain pump is abandoned, water will accumulate in the tunnel in just three days.

Almost all the emergency generators are stopped one week after the human disappearance.

If the fire that occurs worldwide also fits, the night of the earth will be darkened for the first time in several centuries.

After a massive collapse in the first month, traces of human civilization slowly collapse. Within 20 years, the sidewalks made by humans are torn up by the roots of weeds and trees ......

Water accumulates above the city, and a river is formed.

Water accumulated on the road surface freezes when it is winter, and melts when it is in spring ......

I will put cracks on concrete pavement and building foundation. Eventually the concrete building collapses ... ...

It is estimated that most high-rise buildings will collapse within 200 years.

In cities near the river and the sea, the debris of the building was washed away by the water, and the neighboring tributaries were filled with concrete fragments.

It seems that collapse will progress more slowly in the suburbs.

Leakage, fungi, insects and small animals are free to invade indoors ......

Within 75 years most pillars of houses will decay and decay. As a result, it is said that rats and lizards will settled in the desolated buildings.

The world after human collapse does not necessarily return to nature before human beings live. This is because invasive species brought in by humans and grown and raised at home will spread in the wild.

The water hyacinth of South American origin fills the waterways of Shanghai ......

Giant Hogweed, native to Caucasus and Central Asia, creeps around the embankment of the Thames River in London.

Concrete forming a collapsed skyscraper becomes a new forest soil ......

The soil's acidity decreases. This change in the soil will make it possible to inhabit new kinds of plants that had never existed in that place before.

What he left behind not only affects plants but also the animal's ecosystem. Animals spread beyond traditional survival areas to new habitats using buildings such as bridges made by humans.

In addition, creatures that have increased their habitat by human infrastructure are adversely affected by human annihilation. For example, cockroaches benefited from a human heating system, and had been advanced to a cold region where it could not live ... ...

It seems that we can not go beyond two years of winter if human beings disappear.

Also, many livestock and pets can not survive without human help.

Conversely, many birds will thrive more than ever, as the birds do not suffer from the harmful influence of the communication tower made by humans and the light of the street lights.

In addition, mosquitoes are said to be breeding for 1000 years after the disappearance of human beings, such as puddles accumulated in the tires left by human beings.

As the fauna and flora sweep the earth, the climate of the Earth will gradually recover from the damage given by humans.

When 35,000 years have elapsed since the disappearance of human beings, traces of lead left in the soil during the industrial revolution are removed by plants.

After 65,000 years, the level of carbon dioxide will return to the level before human beings were born.

Traces of human beings will eventually all disappear, but there are things that remain even after millions of years have passed.

The stone statues of the four presidents engraved on the granite of Mount Rushmore in the US will remain for 7.2 million years.

Also, traces of chemical components contained in the bronze statue exist even after 10 million years ......

It is said that the remains of urban centers on the waterside will continue to exist for a long time in the bottom of the water.

In any case, the traces of living human beings are almost completely erased from the earth.

In the 21st century, human beings that are prosperous on the planet to this extent will not exist forever.

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