What will the world be like a year from now if humans disappear from the earth?

Urban design, community and regional planning experts answer the question, 'What would the world be like if all humans suddenly disappeared?'
If humans went extinct, what would the Earth look like one year later?

The question ``What will happen to the world if humans suddenly disappear from the earth?'' is often depicted in works such as science fiction. Researchers and experts often give concrete images to this question; for example, in the article below, TED-Ed, a YouTube channel that uses animation to explain science, history, etc., says, ``After humanity disappears... It shows various possibilities as 'the world of'.
What would happen to the world if all humans suddenly disappeared from the earth? -GIGAZINE

by Quinn Dombrowski
The news media The Conversation runs a series called ``Curious Kids,'' in which children ask genuine questions and answer them. In response to the question ``What would the Earth look like in a year's time if humans became extinct?'' Carlton, an associate professor of urban design, community and regional planning at Iowa State University, answered Mr. Basmajian answers from the perspective of towns, cities, and community formation.
If you were able to visit ``the world one year after humanity became extinct'', Mr. Basmajian points out that the first thing you would notice is not your eyes, but your ears. ``The world where humans went extinct would be so quiet that we would realize how noisy people usually lived,'' Basmajian said.
It is also likely that the next thing you will notice is the appearance of the sky. According to Basmajian, a year after humans disappear, all the smog and dust created by humans will be gone, and wind and rain will be able to scrub the surface of the earth in the same way it takes a year to scrub the surface of the earth. It's bluer and the air is clearer.''
If you were able to return to your former home in a world one year after humanity became extinct, you would definitely notice that there were many abnormalities. First of all, the water supply system cannot function unless there is someone to manage it. However, at the moment when humans suddenly disappear, water remains in the water pipes, so when the first cold wave arrives, there is a high possibility that the water in the pipes will freeze and burst. In addition, there is no electricity or radio waves because the power plants are stopped, and there is no human activity, so dust will continue to accumulate.
In addition, you will see many other creatures in place of the missing humans. Inside the room, there are various kinds of insects flying around that would have been dealt with in various ways when humans existed. Small animals such as mice, raccoons, foxes, and beavers may appear in your neighborhood, and they may not be there a year from now, but depending on the region, large animals such as deer, coyotes, and bears are expected to appear in cities over the next few years. Masu. This is partly due to the disappearance of humans who control animals, but also because the rhythms of the natural world, which had been disrupted by electric lights, are restored, making nights darker and more comfortable for natural animals. Although some domestic animals and pets such as dogs and cats become wild, there is a high possibility that many of them will be preyed upon by larger wild animals.

According to Basmajian, structures such as roads, bridges, and buildings will look almost the same in a short period of time, ``one year later''. However, after 10 years, major changes can be seen, such as cracks forming and plants growing from the cracks. This is due to the fact that the earth is constantly moving, which causes constant pressure, and the problem that metal bolts and pillars rust. On the other hand, concrete bridges and highways that never rust can last for centuries.
Humans live on Earth, but at the same time, the world may not survive without humans and their attempts to care for the world. 'The world after humanity suddenly disappears will reveal something about how we have treated the Earth,' Basmajian said.
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