What is the legend of Yellowstone National Park that wolves revived the natural ecosystem?

Wild wolves, which have disappeared from Japan, still live in Europe, but are in danger of extinction.
Scientists debunk myth that Yellowstone wolves changed entire ecosystem, flow of rivers
How Wolves Change Rivers-YouTube
In a movie posted in 2014 by Sustainable Human , which posts videos about living things, nature, the environment, etc., ``Wolves are thought to kill various animals, but they rarely give life to many other creatures. It is not known, ”explains that wolves revive ecosystems.

According to the movie, wolves became extinct in Yellowstone, so there were no animals to hunt deer, so it seems that the deer that increased dramatically have eaten most of the plants. Due to the reintroduction of wolves, wolves, which are natural enemies of deer, began to inhabit even in small numbers. Deer now live in avoiding .

As deer no longer eat up the plants, plant regeneration began immediately, and in some places the height of the trees increased five times in six years. When forests are created, the number of migratory birds increases, the number of beavers that eat trees increases, and the dams built by beavers become habitats for otters and ducks. In addition, wolves reduced the coyote population, so rabbits and mice increased, and hawks, weasels, foxes, and badgers that hunted them increased.

Regenerated forests also reduced meandering rivers and erosion into the ground, narrowing rivers and increasing puddles, providing excellent habitat for wildlife. In this way, the movie explains that the wolf has greatly changed the appearance of the river.

However, there is an opinion that such `` wolves have revived the ecosystem of Yellowstone National Park '' is wrong and far from reality. Utah State University ecologist Dan McNulty said that because Yellowstone has a fairly complex food web and carnivores such as bears and mountain lions are numerous, wolves play only a minor role as a threat to deer. Hmm. ``We quickly learned that wolves weren't the only culprit,'' McNulty said. ``They had little impact, at least early on. It is a story of a truly romantic, non-existent world, ”he strongly denies the commentary of Sustainable Human.
Tom Hobbs, of Colorado State University 's Institute of Natural Resources Ecology, said, ``Scientists disagree that the disappearance of wolves from Yellowstone in the past had a major ecological impact on the park. No, but scientists disagree about what would happen if we resurrected the wolf.' In a paper contributed to the National Science Foundation (NSF) , Mr. Hobbs said, ``An important organism that was missing in the Yellowstone ecosystem was the beaver. However, the revival of wolves has had little effect on willow growth,' he said, suggesting that major changes in Yellowstone's ecosystem may be separate from the reintroduction of wolves.
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in Creature, Posted by log1e_dh