Nintendo Labo self-made fighter who will be able to luge apartment in real world 'AR Luigi Mansion' appeared

The popular game " Luigi Mansion " which was sold in 2001 and sold more than 3.5 million copies in the world, is that Nintendo's popular character Mario's younger brother Luigi gets rid of obsession with an eerie haunted house, Nintendo I am also deciding remake in 3DS . There is a hero who created this Luigi Mansion as an AR with a combination of Nintendo Labo and Toy-Con garage , and created " AR Luigi Mansion " which is capable of getting rid of the obsession in the real world.
I made "AR Luigi Mansion" at Nintendo Labo - YouTube
Luigi Mansion is a game that searches through a dark western building and inhale it by using a machine called Ovacuum to exterminate it, and this is reproduced using Nintendo Labo's Toy-Con garage, "AR Luigi Mansion" by Eisuke Fujinawa Mr. Haruka Fujisawa and Ms. Haruka Fujisawa are making their own.

"to make"

First of all I made my own Toy-Con to play AR Luigi Mansion. The parts to use are as follows, parts such as the left handle of the motorcycle Toy-Con , infrared marker & magnifying glass purchased with Daiso x 2, and even a big cardboard are required.

Corrugated cardboard is cut as appropriate and painted with spray.

Assemble each part as below and bond the magnifying glass to the cardboard with hot bond (glue gun).

First, attach the larger magnifying glass to the inside of cardboard. In the movie, I use Velcro so that the magnifying glass can be easily removed.

Set up inside as below.

Attach a small magnifying glass to the outside of the box. It is OK if it is installed so that the inside and the outside magnifying glass overlap.

Next, a Toy-Con case to install Joy-Con ... ...

Insert it next to the magnifying glass.

Next, the handle parts of the bike Toy-Con to be the handle of the octavum ... ...

Put it in the main unit. You can install it on the opposite side where the magnifying glass is installed.

The steering wheel is firmly fixed to the box using the "Gashiri-kun" attached to the bike Toy-Con.

I'm fixing with "Gashiri-kun" so it's okay if I swing with my handle.

Subsequently, parts for fixing the Nintendo Switch main body (those attached to the motorcycle Toy-Con) ......

Installed in the main body.

After that we will set up a program with Toy - Con garage.

The bottom left is the input and state management logic, the top right is the output picture.

After that, right Joy-Con ... ....

Installed on the front of the main unit.

If you set the infrared camera part of the right Joy-Con to feel like coming out from the side of the magnifying glass as follows OK as follows.

Next, prepare left Joy-Con.

This is inserted into the handle part.

If the switch on the handle is connected to the "ZL" button of Joy - Con, the lower trigger is connected to the "L" button OK.

Finally put the Nintendo Switch body upside down inside the box ... ...

Completing it after closing the lid of the box.

This has been completed, it is a suction part of the vacuum used by Luigi.


You can understand what the created vacuum octave is like by darkening the room. The magnifying glass installed in the main unit turns the screen of the Nintendo Switch upside-down to be displayed in front of the octopus.

It uses this mechanism to project images of the Nintendo Switch body like a projector.

Then how about finding Obake in Obacave?

Ovacuum at normal times reflects white light like a flashlight, but when turning the main body towards the infrared marker, the teresa emerges in the white light portion.

The judgment of the marker is made by the infrared camera on the right remote control of Joy-Con, the larger the & closer to the center the more the teresa is displayed darker.

Pick up the switch on the handle when you find a gruff. Then, the strobe light will be emitted and the okeba will be blown out ... ...

Next, pull on the trigger part under the handle. Then suction of octopus starts, vacuum sound and vibration are output, and the feeling of inhale is burned.

If you shake your body up, down, left and right while sucking down, you can suck up quickly.

Obake will gradually become smaller as you inhale, so if you can inhale it until it disappears OK.


How to play with this, place an infrared marker in the room in advance, look for Obake with an octave.

Since the light of the octopus is not so bright, I will play the room with pitch dark.

Players search for Obake with the light of Opacum.

When finding an infrared marker, Teresa appears.

Just breathe in only it.

Since up to three infrared markers can be identified, it is possible to place three types of mufflers.

If you eradicate all of these, the game clears.

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